We all may not be in the Christian faith but to realize the relationship that Jesus had with man is unexplainable even till today. Whatever your beliefs are and whatever faith you got to admit that his suffering and death on the cross was a feat done by no other. The main fact is it was done out of love.
Bar advice. Be the change you want to see- M.Ghandi
The compatibility of someone in a relationship is something that we all want. Lots of people do follow with zodiac sign charts to find a mate. Sometimes you even got a nagging mother that tells you the "stars" can guide you to find your soul mate. Here's my relationship advice by zodiac compatibility. Maybe there's something or even nothing to all this but lets just see what sort of person you may be dealing with and what to expect in the mystical relationship.
Aquarius This sign loves humanity as a whole, and first must love a friend before they become a partner. Independence and freedom loving, they are fully and completely loyal, once committed or married. They expect their partners to share the responsibilities of home and family as well as have common goals for the relationship.
Pisces Love is the fuel that energizes Pisces into a lasting commitment. For Pisces, love, affection and romance are a package deal. These dreamy romantics need assurance that they are loved, and do not handle rejection from their partners very well. Pisces makes a very sensitive and understanding partner who will be loyal as long as the romance remains.
Aries The thrill of the chase and the challenge of love as well as the passion of romance are on this possessive sign's priority list. In relationships Aries are demanding. They don't don't want to be controlled and it's important for them to feel that they come first. Aries expect fidelity and loyalty from their mates, and are more than willing to give the same. As long as the relationship is exciting and supportive, the union is bound to be strong.
Taurus Taurus love is sensual and physical, devoted and steady. A Taurus will settle for no less than absolute loyalty, and likes a relationship that is stable and has a sense of routine. You won't find a Taurus spending time on frivolous affairs, instead they invest in long-term, long-haul relationships. When things get tough, a Taurus tends to be loyal to their commitments.
Gemini Romantics in search of the perfect love or soul mate, their charismatic and flirty nature allows them to enjoy their affairs, until they believe they have found a supportive and faithful partner who loves to listen. When they do find love, its because these ultra sensitive types, have given the situation much thought.
Cancer Happiest when they feel needed, Cancer loves to love, and be loved. They have a strong sense of family and tradition, and offer equally strong feelings of acceptance in return, especially when their partner is totally devoted. They can be emotional and sensitive to others or the other way around but it's the price you pay for having a partner who will go to extremes to never let you down. One of the better signs.
Leo Drama is present in Leo-love. They will fight to the death to protect a loved one, and offer their undying support and loyalty. As long as their egos are fed a healthy diet of romance, praise and devotion, they will make sacrifices to make sure that the one they are committed to can depend on them for happiness and comfort.
Virgo These sensible and practical people, take the same approach to love and commitment. While a Virgo may wait for years to find love, once they do, their partner tends to be the love of their life. Virgo love is warm and steady, committed and trustworthy. As long as Virgos are treated with care, honesty, and respect, you can expect a strong and steady union for life.
Libra Love makes the Libra world go round. They thrive on love and romance, and will go to great lengths to avoid hurting the ones they love. Faithful and loyal, when they feel appreciated - Libras expect a partnership to be harmonious. They can be emotionally dependent on their partners, but ask for no more than they are willing to give freely.
Scorpio Committed and in love, Scorpio can be intensely passionate - and intensely confusing. While they are very exciting, they have a way of hiding their emotions which can cause a bit of confusion. They expect faithfulness and loyalty, and they in return will be deeply connected to their partner. And when they feel secure, they may even let you in on their ever-present secrets.
Sagittarius Love is an adventure to Sagittarius, and they prefer not to be tied down. Sagittarius needs a partner who can intellectually stimulate them, make them feel secure and keep things exciting. Sagittarius will commit to the right person, but that person has to be secure in knowing that freedom is Sagittarius' first love, and that must be respected for any commitment to be a lasting one.
Capricorn Capricorn love is an inspiration. While they love deeply and fully, they may not be the most open expressing these details. Any commitments to a Capricorn are expected to be long-term and generally involve the promise of family. They expect loyalty and support from their partner, and prefer to be more dominant than passive in the relationship.
Bar advice. They say opposites attract. The truth is that's really the case in the zodiac love compatibility madness. It's complicated but their way makes people balanced in life.
Let's take a sneak peek at what may be in store for all you lovers out there. Is it going to be loveless or will you feel like flying.
Capricorn Capricorn your love and sex life in 2008 is certainly going to be expansive. You are the celestial favorite all year long since Jupiter, the planet of luck and growth is in your sign providing extra special gifts and opportunities. Some of these will directly affect your love life as new people enter into your world, adding color and depth if you're single, and a favorable escalation period with that special someone if you're attached. Either way Capricorn, whether you're single or taken your key phrase this year is sure to be "lucky in love."
Aquarius In 2008 Aquarius you will have so much going on in your love, sex and personal life that it's guaranteed to be nothing less than life altering. It will be more emotional for you than usual this year Aquarius so you will have to get used to a deeper level of soul searching when it comes to your sexual desires and intimacy requirements in relationship. This could be the lifetime turning point if you're at the marrying age.
Pisces In 2008 Pisces you will finally begin to draw a line in the sand when it comes to love and sex. Your relationships take on a more practical and steady feel as you recognize the importance of clear definitions for once. This year won't be easy Pisces, but in the end you will be rewarded with a renewed sense of structure and personal rules for what you require in love. Yes, the theme for your love forecast in 2008 is without a doubt learning how to play by the rules. The good news is that this year, you will make up your own that others follow.
Aries Aries, you more than any other sign should be excited about the climactic promises of 2008. Over the past couple of years your sex life has been at best, hum drum and at worst, completely nonexistent thanks to Saturn, the planet of restriction, touring the area of sex and romance. Life has been dull but it's finally over and you're ready to play. In 2008 you're certain to become reacquainted with great sex. Whether you're single or in a relationship this year the name of your sex game is "making up for lost time".
Gemini Gemini, over the past several years you've hurdled though some of the most intense and transforming experiences we can have as sexual beings longing for love. Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth, and renewal has been touring your sign of committed partnerships for a long time. Your view on relating has been forever changed. In 2008 the intensity of Pluto will finally leave, allowing for a true rebirth in your relationships. What's even more exciting is that this year Pluto will enter the area of sex and intimacy. Gemini, your sexual nature is going to reach new, erotic depths.
Cancer Cancer you are in for a major transitional year in 2008 in terms of love, sex, and relationship. The key to handling what is likely to come your way will be cultivating a fearless approach to intimacy. There will be lots that want you. You simply cannot be afraid to dig deep in 2008 Cancer because if you are, you'll be buried in overly dramatized sex and relationship intensity. We're not going to let this happen. This year, it's time to take control of your love life. Many of the other compatible stars see that you're the "right guy" for them.
Leo Leo your love and sex life in 2008 is going to be either a dream come true or your worst nightmare turned into reality. It all depends on how you handle the energy of two major eclipses in the year which reflects on committed relationships. Looking for love may come too easy but holding on to it is something else.
Virgo This year Virgo your love and sex life continues to be full of chaos and surprises. Upheaval is your keyword in 2008. This is because Uranus, the planet of unexpected and sudden events, has been present in the area of partnerships for the past few years and is not leaving anytime soon. The good news is that your sex life and ability to have some fun in love is going to get better. So in 2008 surprise might actually be a good thing. Maybe staying playful is better this year.
Libra Libra, in 2008 you are going to find that love and sex becomes a dramatic area of your life. As one of the most romantic signs of the zodiac, this news should intoxicate you. However, at the same time don't underestimate the transcendental experiences your love and sexual life will cause this year. You may find too many suitors or if in a relationship, you find your partner not too willing because he/she is having problems of their own this year.
Scorpio Scorpio in 2008 your love and sex life will continue to be full of ups and downs. Thanks to a continual presence of Uranus, sex and romance, the one area of your life that cannot be totally predicted in the coming year will be love and sex. As a Scorpio however, I can assure you of one thing. Erotic revolution. Just be brave to approach and not be shy. Take a chance.
Sagittarius Sagittarius your love and sex life could feel like someone has pressed the "pause" button as you begin 2008. Nothing seems to be flowing well. Tell your adventurous soul to relax however because it will not be the dominating theme of the year. In fact Sagittarius, it's more like a warm up, preparing you for what's to come in your love and sex life for 2008. The year might start out slow, but it will certainly end up hot and steamy.
Not going to state where I got these predictions but it did come partly from the Internet somewhere and the rest is my inclusions. These are basic and full in depth details are not included. Also, it's up to you to believe in the stars or not. Astrology has been around thousands of years till today. Still though, love supersedes all levels in the universe.
Bar advice. Nothing is set in stone. These things are just a glimpse of what can possibly happen. Peoples destiny and choices are made by themselves that either haunts them or helps them.
It seems that people looking for love, a partner, a confidant or a good match, seem to leave one thing out. Making the connection. With this, I mean, we tend to place all hopes on things that we imagine or would like to see happen in our love life. Problem is, we sometimes don't know what we really want even if it's staring us right there in the face.
What relationship advice can I dispense that will make people understand that we need to do a self examination of what we truly want in life as far as a mate or partner is concern? You got to know what you are after. Do you want to just sit back and do nothing and hope that the right one is going to fall in your lap? Praying may help but what if you get sent the right one that God thinks is best for you and you reject it. What then? Are you ready for second best? The decision to be with someone is ultimately yours.
Some people are trying hard to find someone. They accept the fact that they may not be able to get the ideal person that they would like but they give it a shot. People up to the age of thirty tend to take a less serious look at marriage. They are still having fun, making money, dating, building careers or other life endeavours and challenges. They will find it harder to find someone in their later years especially for women. Most women, at forty, are past their 'prime' in the eyes of men for marriage and children. The women in this group that are still looking tend to be more selective of their men as they do not like to waste any more time and effort in attaining a partner.
A reality check is what's needed where people that are searching for a partner but don't seem to know what they really want. Some may use classifieds or Internet dating websites but there's always the fact that a lot of people don't tell the truth in these things. Meeting and getting to know someone is crucial. Come to your own conclusions and don't make hasty decisions when meeting this person. It takes time. If you're comfortable and the connection has been made, give the person the benefit of the doubt and allow for time. Relationships blossom over time spent together.
If he/she is moving to fast, tell them to go at a slower pace. There may be times that you may want it to speed up but only if you both feel your connection is not lacking in communicating ones needs. Letting yourself flow in the direction of getting more involved at a deeper level is a hard move but sometimes you have to. People will eventually have to open up so that the other may be able to know you better. Be willing to give in to the person a little and not be afraid of talking to your partner about your concerns in life and the things that you are looking for. You should bring these things up to the surface earlier to avoid getting into a relationship mess later.
Those that are already having sex or some form of sexuality, like kissing and touching, have already moved to a higher plato. Here the relationship may get strained due to the fact that one partner may feel that it is just something that derives from lust rather than love. There may be concerns that the future holds no common ideals. Some fear that they may get in too deep only to find that they have wasted time and energy and the outcome is not fruitful. Fears like this may be justified but if you're not getting any younger why not take a chance. Give yourself the opportunity to find out if the person is worth your love and being. You never know what you'll get in return. Your life may just change.
Finding miss or mister right is never going to happen in reality for most. If you wish to continue to dream that the person will be coming from some magical place, then you're going to find you're only kidding yourself. Dreams are nice but reality is the truth. Can and will you search inside you're heart to make a reality check on your life up to this day? What's holding you back from progressing with the person you found? Do you compromise and accept that not only will your partner have flaws but so will you to them? Are you comfortable enough to free yourself from outside forces that hamper you from advancing in the relationship like age, work, family, education, race, background, religion and others alike? Is there a better way?
Give yourself permission to feel and be alive. Isn't it a better feeling when someone is in your life. Being older brings you wisdom and knowledge of past failed relationships. Use it. Those that have been hurt before by people that have deceived them have to still know that it may happen again but you can prepare a little better now. Your judgement of the one you're with is key to the relationship's love intensity. Accept their imperfections, their different ways, lifestyle, outlook at life and adapt as they will have to with you. My advice is, be yourself and let them be themselves and the two of you will work everything out eventually.
Bar advice. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Stand there naked and ask yourself if you and who you're with is worth all this. When you got your answer seek that same answer in the one that you're going to be with.
Here is the zodiac compatibilities for your interest. Don't think that other combinations cannot work. This is just a guide. The world is full of possibilities. Sometimes we just have to work around them.
Bar advice. Nothing is set in stone. Sometimes opposites do attract. It all depends on the individual so don't always look to the stars for answers. Sometimes what's in the heart that really matters.codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="468" height="60" name="14988_26188_428x60_06">
What happens when you fall into the "friends zone"? Guys tend to feel that after all the effort, feelings, money, time and so on that they put in that when she starts reacting to him more as a pal than a partner, it's a devastating blow.
So how did the relationship get poisoned into becoming a friendship in the first place? One reason may be that she he had gone out with her too often that she see him so much. This habit makes the other feel attached to the person without worry that other stirred feeling are happening. She doesn't want to be hurt so she feels safer in a friendship based relationship.
Sure there are exceptions where people have gone out with each other so much and so long, years even, and have got married but that is a minority group. My own sister is one such person. We are talking about the majority of people that fall into the friendship category because they have gone out more than four dates.
Why four? Well studies show that if by four dates you would pretty much figure out if you like the girl or not. It's different for women a little. For guys four is the magic key number. If you head into the fifth or sixth date, it's a amber light state. This could mean that she still likes you, not sure or she's comfortable going out with you but as a friend. Maybe she finds that she likes that you like the things she does, goes, eats and so on. Comfortable is not good in this instance. Why?
People trying to get to the phase of becoming a couple should be a little awkward, shy, apprehensive. When going out together with friends they should be more apart and hope to hold hands and such. Maybe a kiss at the end of the night. You don't go meeting someone on a date with a T-shirt and torn jeans with flip flops. That's a clear sign that she's only interested in being friends because she believes that you will understand and that she need not dress up for the date. If you're in that "comfort" situation and another guy comes along, be prepared to loose her.
At the end of the day you got to know if it's going to work out or not. It's more of the amount of energy in the date than the amount of dates itself. Working towards becoming a couple should be exciting. Once you get there, the friendship part will become part of it. The relationship is then merged with love, friendship and togetherness.
Bar advice. If you want the 'gal', don't make her your 'pal'.
You guys out there are lame sometimes. Getting her number is a skill set all it's own. Most throwaway phone numbers are a result of the man getting the number too fast.
First of all, if you’re at a bar and meet a girl, don’t talk to her for only five minutes and then start getting her number and leave thinking you’re going to score. After all, what’s the point of getting a phone number in the first place. It's to meet up later and continue the seduction, right?
You had her right there at the bar, right then. You could have used that opportunity to build value with her right then. You were on a “date” with her right THEN but you didn't recognize it. So getting her number so that you can meet up with her later, and walking away from the interaction in the moment is totally counterproductive and nonsensical.
Also, if you start getting her number without going through the proper preliminary steps, then yes, the girl might be digging you, but in reality you didn’t have enough social value to her for her to want to start an ongoing, dating relationship with you.
A girl who with a social value of 8 might give her number to you if she perceives you to have a social value of 6 but that doesn’t mean she’ll follow up with you. Getting her numbers is only solid when you both have the same social value. What is this social value I'm talking about? Well, it's basically a persons standard in their relationship, dating, sex, love and self confidence. Where you stand with him or her and your compatibility can pretty much be discovered if you know what to look for. It will be a waste of time if you both are not suited for each other. Break ups can be hurtful. So unless you're just looking for hot sex without strings then aim low.
Guys, building a peak social value of 10 is not easy so work hard to get there. It's not you who should be worried if you're at that peak yet but it's how she sees you that counts. Will she be interested when you meet her or when you ask for her number. As time goes on and you start to develop better interaction skills and seduction methods so just beware of one thing. Don't blow it by thinking that you can get any girl and become a arrogant jack ass. Women will drop you like a stone if they see that sort of behaviour and if word starts getting around that you're like that you will have a hard time repairing the damage.
Developing those skills and nurturing your social value is a personal responsibility. Also, in the company of other guys you will be the dominant, stand out guy there if the rest are lacking. This gives you better chances with the ladies. Women will see it very clearly even if you don't. You'll be amazed that you can get more than a phone number.
Bar advice. When you just meet a girl, stick to a game plan. The last thing on your mind should be sex just because she gave you her phone number.
A lovely girl who I recently discovered online and revealed this blog to had asked about true happiness and my stand on it.
What is it and how to get it?(Remember this for later)
The fact that we are even looking for "true happiness" shows that we are lacking in what we don't have in our lives right now. There can be many issues that are leading us to seek for it. Some may be financial. Some depression and feelings of sadness. Others, and more commonly, the lack of a genuine partner and the feeling of being loved. Of courses there's other reasons as well.
If you've ever been in love you have this carefree, over joyous, nothing can go wrong, zest in your everyday life. It's like a volcano exploding inside you heart every time he/she calls, comes over, emails, SMS or whatever else. He/she fills your senses and emotions, including your bang, and you're in ecstasy with pleasure till it suddenly falls apart. Then what?
Out of the blue things just seem to turn around. Everything starts crumbling down on you and it seems that no one will help, let alone listen to your problems. You sob like you lost you family pet. You listen to sentimental songs over and over again. You keep asking God and yourself, why? You try to figure out what went wrong. You start to miss all the good times you had with your partner before. More fucking crying till everyone at home, including friends, stay out of your way for the next three months, and all for what? Your "true happiness" that you were after.
Where is that true happiness going to come from? Firstly, if you're hoping for it to come falling from the sky and knock you on the head, think again. Lot's of us have it preprogrammed into our heads from parents, teachers, family members, social groups and more that true happiness is something tangible or material. It really is what others see it to be and not what we desire. Somewhere down the line, from our childhood up, we were told what "true happiness" is suppose to be. When we grow up and we search for those things, it becomes the illusion that we finally see and the reality of despair from ever finding it becomes all too real.
When we are not attached to anyone, no partner and alone for some time, we firstly imagine the worst. What's going to happen to me. Ladies have the stigma of being called an "old maid" or "left on the shelf" by everyone so they get more upset than guys. Magazine companies make a killing from subscription by women trying to seek advice and topics on these things. They seem to want to find some magic answer that is eluding them because they connect being married, financially stable, children and so on as "true happiness". Talking to friends sometimes doesn't help because their worse off in that department as well or they're still in the sobbing stage themselves.
True happiness can mean different things to different people. Someone making a lot of money everyday in the stock market will say so. My brother flying to another country constantly will say so. Me making love to a gorgeous girl will say "hell yes this is happiness". Even an astronomer looking at the stars everynight will say so even if he sees the same thing daily.
What is my take, she asked? Firstly, as I mentioned earlier, everyone has a take on what true happiness is. What does it matter what mine is? Is mine more so important like how parents and teachers and so forth drilled into everyone that we don't know what it is at all and we try to achieve it only to fail because we didn't really know what it was but following what others told us it was. Does this make sense to you? The fact is we all want "true happiness". Who can give it to you? No one. It has to come from the individual to create it and manifest it into what their heart makes of it and share it with others. Take my bar advice on the matter.
Bar advice. If you ask yourself, what is it and how can you get it(remember above), the answer lies only within yourself. Nobody can give it to you. How do you feel at this moment determines your true happiness now and in the future?
The fact is that men and women don't reach sexual peaks at the same time of their lives. Here I'll give you the best of what I assume happens to both men and women at different ages and stages of their lives.
On one hand guys can start to be active by sixteen and so can the girls. Some even earlier. Parents in this day and age have no clue as to what their children do. Sure it's all hush hush but when they are out of sight and you are out of mind. Sex is something exciting to them because it's taboo. Most of them would have had some form of sexual encounter already. It could be heavy petting, masturbation, oral sex with some already doing it fully.
Most guys reach their sexual peak between 18 to 24 yeras old. This is the time that they have the most energy, are seeking for it and can go about it all night long. Women at this age are a little awkward because they are in search of slightly different things. They want the whole package. Relationship, love and commitment is their agenda. This is because they have not peaked as yet and having a horny boy makes them feel good but they know what that boy is after. A lot of them do have sex as well but they were actually better when they were younger at age.
Women peak sexually at the age of 32 to 38 years old. Lot's of times guys don't understand why she seems to be in 'heat'. Biologically, her clock is speeding up a little because even if she doesn't know it, that this is the last chance to be pregnant and her body is sending weird signals to her brain. It's not only to her partner that she seeks a sexual feel but even people from work, during commute to work even strangers that give her the eye. She tends to feel that she needs all this extra attention before all her looks and body shape gets changed forever.
Most women will be either going to get their hair, nails or face done. Even if they never used Botox, they may try it. Some go to the extreme of plastic surgery to get lifts especially the breast area. They seem to be running a race against time. The attention of some younger men also perks their playful and sexual thoughts. They don't really understand it themselves but they seem to enjoy it even to the point that some become hostile towards their partners at home because at the back of their minds he will always be there but they belive time is running out but for what, even they can't figure it out.
Lot's of women these days go online to dating and sexual sites. Not that they are going to leave their partners but to just flirt and get response from men to their profiles. Some have no problems writing down that they are married. This safeguard is there but they know that men will still engage them if it's out there. There are some sites that has them in their underware, topless or even naked but face covered. they actaul paste their pictures on it. Why that? It just adds to the excitment that they are letting every man eye their body and normally the profile write up is just as exciting. If responses do come they play it by ear. It rarely becomes a real date or sexual encounter but sadly sometimes it may happen. Most of them also know that they can leave the site and remove all pictures anytime so the safety of not getting caught is there.
Guys that do the online surfing of women are really just doing that. The fact is that if they got just one girl that may correspond with them, they will not bother to get a second or third. This is because they know that they have a partner at home and they just want to flirt every once in a while and not get caught. Men are also out of it once their sexual peak is over. They worry more about work and family than other women. Hence, some women's need for male attractive glances because the workaholic partner is too dumb to understand her position and needs.
On the other hand. Women are 'set' by the time they pass their main sexual peak or just a little further till the point of menopause. However, men start to rekindle thier radars. Somehow they seem to have back up fuel that reignites into fire when they reach 55 to 60 years old. It's not about the sex really but the advances of younger women flirting with them is enough for them to start reaching for the oxygen tank yet they carry on in their own way. Men will try to make themselves seem younger in public but when he gets home he acts like he needs to be rushed to the emegency ward. Why? Well it's a throw off so his partner isn't suspicious. Although nothing is happening he's not going to let it explode into a war. His peace is at home. If he feels there may be danger he'll end it quickly.
All this going on will be oblivious to both sides but sometimes it gets strayed and divorce can become the reality they face. Nobody wants that to happen but it could. In our human nature and sense of wanting to be sexually attractive and young we loose the goal. What's that you ask? We only need to be all thses things for our partner and ourselves to be happy. Loosing track of this may put us in a awkward position and we may loose all that we have with our patners. We are human and we all have needs that our minds and bodies can't seem to work out for us. It's all left to what the heart knows is right.
Bar advice. If you took time to learn about what your partner, male and female, is all about and you put them above all others then you won't need anyone or anything else to satisfy yourself.
What is true matching about? It is about people that seem to be made for one another. But this may become a deceiving matter because matching begins with honesty.
1. The first thing you have to do is be honest with yourself, knowing who you are and what you are about. This issue tightly depends on your self esteem, so work it out at this instant, always keep in mind a good image of yourself, this is the essence of being ready for love!
2. Remember that unless you are ready to meet the love of your life, it won’t come for you, because everything depends on how much you want it to happen. Wise men say that when you really want something, the whole Universe rearranges itself for making your wish come true and believe me there is enough room for everybody’s desires. So let your desire grow stronger every day.
3. After you take a good look at yourself, hear what Mother Nature whispers in your ear about looking for someone of certain looks and physical features that suits you best. Did you know that soulmates almost look like one another? That soulmates may be so very different in appearance but still so alike? What makes them look alike, you may ask, if he is dark haired and she is blonde, or if she is black and he is white? There is that certain something named chemistry which makes them get connected and harmonize their everything: mimics, gestures, reactions. So before you get yourself connected, make a mental picture of your potential soulmate in every single detail of its appearance and all you have to do is recognize him/her when you look around! It is very important to know exactly the way you want it to be.
4. I can hear some of you saying that things are not easy as they seem to be, because matching is a complex scenario. I am telling you that things are difficult only when we do not know what we want and don’t have enough faith that nature will work for us and solve the complexity of matching scenario: habits, hobbies, humour, sharing the same values, location, background. Concentrate on the solution of the matter not on the issue itself, do your part of the job faithfully and do not worry.
5. Obviously that none of us wants to become haunted, obsessed by an ideal of love that never shows up, right? That’s why you have to cut the belt, free your mind of your desire (which has already put to work the invisible engines of the Universe, believe it or not !) and do your usual stuff.
6. And here comes the tough part, waiting! Wait for a while and let nature take action for how long as it takes. Take into account that you have already helped nature with your faith and your strong action. It’s a mutual thing. In love, as in everything, you get what you give.
7. Finally , let me share a secret with you. Don’t tell anyone you are about to meet your soulmate. The deepest desires must not be shared until they come true. Any interfering may disturb you from keeping a good image from yourself, letting your desire grow stronger, picturing in mind your soulmate, staying focused on what you have to do, letting your mind free and waiting faithfully.
Bar advice. You will know when it happens. It's like.... Magic!
Let's be honest. No woman really wants to be alone for the rest of her life. But does being alone mean you're doomed to be miserable forever? Definitely not! And does being single have to equal lonely? No way! You can have the best time of your life when you're single, but you wouldn't know that from our relationship obsessed society, where celebrity magazines devote the majority of their content to who's dating whom and the wedding industry is a $100-billion business. Yet more than a third of marriages end in divorce, and countless other couples languish in unions that shouldn't have happened in the first place.
Bar advice. Don't become a statistic. Love yourself and never settle!
A relationship should be like a flowing river. Fresh, moving around and finding ways around obstacles. Enjoying a relationship should never be like a still pond of water that just exists. A relationship should have life and should never be a compromise.
Many relationships become like a pond. They began like river but are now stationary wondering where to go, and whether to exist at all. They continue existing without any pleasure. The main reason is the inability of partners to face the uncertainty of breaking the relationship. How does it end up that way?
The relationship continues because the partners do not want to face the future alone. They are tired of it and worried that they will undergo more pain if they break the relationship. They neither try to refresh the relationship nor break it. There lies the heart of the matter.
What should they do? They should sit together, talk about the stagnation in the relationship, and talk about how to give it a new life. If they decide that it will not be possible, they should break up and look towards a better future. A relationship without pleasure will break up any way after some years. By that time, lot of time would have been lost and the discord would leave a very bad stamp of experience on both the partners. Better to control the disease in time.
Worst thing that can happen is if both do not solve it and one of them gets involved with someone new and the other finds out. it will feel like a betrayal even if things weren't going smoothly and the relationship was stagnant. The other will feel that there was wasted time given to the other and all kinds of psychological effects will take place. It's sad to see things like that happen to people that start out really good then change and never seem to know what to do, how to change it and not find help from others.
You got to want to be in love and make your partner fight for your love daily. Even if people have kids, they have to have that 'special' time for themselves and always have the fire burning in their hearts for each other. When children, friends and family see that, it makes them search for love inside themselves as well.
Bar advice. Love yourself. Give onto others. Help people. Be generous. Pray. It's all good, you'll see.
Most of the lovers do not forgive their loved ones. They may forgive their sworn enemy, but they may not forgive their lover. Do you agree with me? Why is this so? It should have been exactly reverse. Somehow it's a always the case of a third party.
What is love? What do we understand by loving someone? How is love different than other relationships and emotions? In love, we give our whole mind and heart to our beloved. We try to keep our beloved most comfortable. We take care not to hurt our darling. In love, we care for each other. We are in the mood of giving in love. Giving always gives more pleasure in love than anything else. If we give things, our heart, our being, our soul, our time and more; it doesn't matter to us because we feel so cherished and want to make the other happy.
If our lover makes a mistake, shall we berate them? Shall we blame them and give them pain? Shall we hold it against them forever? Shall we call them betrayer? If we do all this then it is not love, but a business relationship. You feel you have given so much now want the truth, faithfulness and everything else in return. You feel sad and confused. What has gone wrong?
In love, we have to forgive. We have to pacify our beloved that mistakes are a way of life and everybody does them. We have to tell them not to worry and we are with them. We have to tell them to stop thinking of what happened and think of good things and try to live life joyously. But a majority of us behave in reverse. That is our failure. It was never love to begin with. If you believe that you love your partner, please learn forgiveness.
A quick story is whereby I was forgiven for flirting with another girl and her friends told her about. It was really nothing and there was no intent for anything to happen. i guess I did not consider what her feelings about it would be. She confronted me and the girl about it. Nothing really did happen but it hurt her to know that I did something of that nature. In the end we had a long talk and I apologised for what happened and for hurting her. We made up and she cried for a while but was glad that we had sorted things out.
One thing that normally happens when women find out that a guy has cheated, not in my case though, is to seek out the other woman to confront her. She does this to see with her own eyes what was so special about the other woman. Also, she wants to give her a piece of her mind. The one thing is she forgets is that the guy is a willing party to the actions taken. She should be dealing the issues with the guy instead of the other woman who may not even know that he was seeing anyone. The worst thing happens to be the lack of respect that the guy has done if he sleeps with another when he's in a relationship. There's really something lacking in the relationship if this happens. Both need to tackle the problem with great desire.
If they are a married couple or not, forgiveness can still be allowed. Why? It hurts yes but the shame and guilt has been placed on the head of the culprit. The one you love and reality are still in love with although he may have done this terrible thing. It will take time but people can work things out. If it be the girl that has made the betrayal, most men will be devastated. Professional help may be need but it can be done as well.
Bar advice. The human heart is a fragile thing but it's ability to love and forgive is great. You may not know just yet your own ability.
Oprah Winfrey Presents THEIR EYES WERE WATCHING GOD, the story of a remarkable and resilient woman's quest for love and fulfillment based on the best-selling book by Zora Neale Hurston. Academy Award(R) winner Halle Berry (Best Actress 2003, MONSTERS BALL) stars as the beautiful Janie Crawford, who embarks on an emotional and dramatic journey of self-discovery.
Refusing to compromise in spite of society's expectations, Janie endures two stifling marriages until finally finding love in a passionate romance with a much younger man. In one of the greatest, most lyrical love stories ever written, Janie experiences all that life has to offer, from unbelievable triumph to unspeakable heartbreak. Be inspired again and again by this timeless story of passion, romance, and the spirit of true love.
Bar advice. This is also a good book to get. It was 10 years in the making and now is finally out as a movie. Great for romance.
LOVE......... - Watch a funny movie here Bar advice. Love is special. The saying "it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved before" rings out loud for a lot of us. Sometimes we find that unconditional love in animals. They teach us more than we think we know.
This may be a little over the top and a little vulgar but really funny. Those that do not like the 'F' word, don't click it.
Bar advice. Sometimes we need to hear the stuff the way it should be told by Chris Rock. Sometimes humour tells it in a clearer way for us to see and hear what we really think.
When you assume radical personal responsibility, you live in a truth that proclaims: I am responsible for how I allow others to affect me.In a world of forces beyond my control, I can learn to be the keeper of my own heart and mind.
Even when things appear not to be going my way, and I am upon an emotional sea of crossing and diverging currents, I can still navigate my way to my ultimate good fortune.I proclaim that I am not a victim of the world I see. I am a co-creator of it. Let love and wisdom be my moral compass, and let clarity be the wind in my sails.
New peace, harmony, and power fill your relationships when you practice radical personal responsibility. Through it, you enter a more refined sphere of relating that enhances your life and accelerates the realization of your ultimate spiritual self. Practicing radical personal responsibility forever changes the way you approach and resolve conflict.
Jealousy and other emotions like it can appear to be happening to us or to be inflicted on us by others. But to address the root cause of any upset, you must learn to observe the internal factors that shape your own perceptions and reactions. We call this ability to observe yourself and realize your power to alter these perceptions and reactions Radical Personal Responsibility.
We call it radical because it is such a departure from what is commonly thought of as responsibility, which can mean laying blame. Instead, it is insight into the deeper workings of your mind that illuminates how you have contributed to any challenging situation before you.
When you take personal responsibility, what are you taking responsibility for? You are taking responsibility for your own consciousness and the effects that it creates. The thoughts, beliefs, feelings, attitudes, impressions, perceptions, and interpretations, all of which you hold in your consciousness, can be a matter of choice.
If you are like most people, you are unaware of all the moments of choosing that go into your beliefs and your interpretations. You probably haven't noticed you are making choices all the time, choices that determine the possibilities that will be open or closed to you in your future.
If it feels as if your beliefs just show up fully developed and you have nothing to do with how they came to be a part of you, it is because you have not developed the ability to observe your own mind. The CURE (Conscious Upset Resolution Exercise) will help you.
Most of your beliefs were probably “absorbed” from your family when you were younger. The rest of them were absorbed from the community you grew up in and from the culture at large. The process of absorbing them was invisible to you, so you didn't notice you were doing it. It happened silently, in the background of your life. The process of absorbing your beliefs was invisible to you.
Regaining that awareness and accepting personal responsibility is an acquired skill. If it wasn't demonstrated for you when you were growing up, or you haven't intentionally studied it, chances are you haven't a clue about how to do it.
A start is to recognize what personal responsibility is not. In the absence of personal responsibility, all you can do is blame others for your difficulties because it looks to you as if they are to blame. This forever dooms you to a “victim” mentality that separates you from your personal power and spiritual and relational maturity. The CURE will teach you, step by step, to approach life’s hurdles in a different way that both enlightens and empowers you.
Once you learn to practice radical personal responsibility, you will find a source of inner strength and power that no one can ever take away from you. Because of your ability to take authentic, empowered responsibility, you will find that, in time, upsets become less frequent, of shorter duration, and less intense. This means you have more time and energy to focus on living the kind of life and sharing the kind of relationships you truly want and deserve.
Bar advice. While you are thinking with the situation of Valentines, you got to remember the responsibilities of actions that may happen that night. Also, what happens after in terms of work, business, family, yourself, etc. Why I say all this? Well, the things we do on Valetine's day may add or subtract to our daily lives. think about it responsibly.
There's a burning question that women ask themselves when they see other women. Especially if she seems better or more well off than herself.What then can be done?
A Smart Woman uses her entire toolbox of experiences, talents, feelings, logic, intuition, education, and yes, even her mistakes, to live her life authentically engaged. She takes the time to care for herself, evaluate what she really thinks and feels, and acts and reacts from a place of patient love, energized compassion, and balanced accountability. Choices are opportunities and she welcomes them.Opportunity leads to her future and she faces that future with a ready and willing heart and a nimble and open mind.
A Smart Woman respects others’ points of view while still making her own choices. She gives generously to others while nurturing herself. She knows the value of boundaries and is skillful in using them to build stronger relationships. She speaks up when she needs to and she knows how and when to supportively listen as she keeps her vision of peace and tolerance in sight. She knows when to walk away, wishing luck and best wishes to those who are on another path.This includes long time friends and colleagues. She knows and values her true worth.
Adaptable, caring, capable, and clever, a Smart Woman embraces life and triumphantly whoops and hollers her way to joy. She claims her power and her divine birthright, as each of us do, in a myriad of infinitely beautiful and unique ways, creating a fulfilling life as a Smart Woman. She's not out to prove anything to anybody. She is here to learn, live, love, laugh, and contribute.One important key item is that she also makes her own money. Why? Well, being dependant on others, especially a man, will make her inferior and even desperate but when earning her own money she is in control. By all of these things that is her true self there is but one obstacle that may(or may not) be a downfall problem for her. What is that? Well, men. Something to think about. Then again some women don't know how to because men are an alien species to them sometimes.Anyway that's a different topic at this moment.
Bar advise.You should believe we all have a lot to share, to communicate, to witness, and to celebrate.So, what do you think? Are you ready to explore? I hope so because you need to be a Smart Woman with firm plans. Are you? Setting yourself up this way will take you through many difficult situations that life may throw at you.
I recently met a new customer who just moved here. He came over to Singapore well before he wife was suppose to arrive here. This guy is a 51 year old American but looks like he's 38 or something. Being here for the first time in his life and without the wife. Well what do you think happened?
When I herd the story I thought to myself here is a situation that I've heard and seen before. He had a sexy Indonesian girl with him. They had been together for several months and he was falling head over heels for her. I've seen this sort of thing before and it was nothing new to me.
He told me that his wife had arrived and that he had been with the Indonesian girl for a while that he decided to divorce his wife of 30 years.They moved out of the apartment that the company was paying for and they were in a hotel that was nearby.When he told me this story I could see in his eyes and gestures that he felt relieved and almost glad that this was the outcome. There was a look of rebirth and vigour on his face while he was constantly holding and hugging the girl.His speech was that of a man that was imprisoned and was just released.
I wanted to tell him that this is not new to me. Hearing stories like that but I also wanted to advise him of women that take advantage of guys like that and make them feel so special especially in ways that his wife, of a western country, will never do. The problem is that she was right there in front of us and she spoke english as well so there was no way to get that piece of advice out to him.The next day they were back at the bar and he met with a friend that happen to be in Singapore as well.
Guess what? The friend had an Indonesian girl as well on his arm. The girls didin't know each other but became friends seeing that they were from the same country and the two guys are from the same hometown. The conversation was very light and it was a party mood. I guess he felt better that she had someone to talk to as well.The other girl was really pretty and had a sweet smile. I was surprised that she was 30 years old because she looked like she was 22 or something. Then again the difference betwen Asian and Western women are very wide.It can help if you know how to find things like nano technology.
What's going on exactly at this point of time is baffling to me. He seems ready to move on. I haven't met his wife but he did say that she was going to be going back soon and he will be returning to the apartment. He did say that he blames her for leaving him here to be alone for 5 months without her and it looks like the devil came out and got him to do the ultimate betrayel. Then again I believe that it may have been heading in that direction already. The divorce was probably going to happen for him . This just made it easier for him to go ahead with it.
Bar advice. Just because you're in another country and alone, don't make the mistake of the girl that will want you and because you're feeling or starving from love that you get blinded by it. She will come out with a really sad story and you'll fall for it. Tell you what. They all have one. I've heard them all. Trust me. They want the one thing to solve it and that's your wallet.
I have recently encountered the words 'Cougar Women'.A term dreamt up by some male or possibly jealous young female to describe an older woman engaged in a relationship with a younger man. The description 'Cougar Woman' infers a predatory mature woman (35-50+) who hunts, stalks, lusts after and imposes her attentions upon some innocent, inexperienced young male.
The traditional description for the older male who does likewise is, 'Sugar Daddy'. Would it not be appropriate, in light of today's touted 'equality of the sexes' to apply the description of Panther Daddy? Who knows, if enough people around the world pick up on these descriptions then such terms might ultimately become a part of the English language.
We all know that in most cultures throughout history (even today) untold numbers of innocent, naive and inexperienced young women have being forced into unsuitable marriages. The financial, social or political benefits from such actions pass generally to males.
Today however(certainly within the western world cultures)the majority of younger male or females involved in relationships with 'Cougar Women' or 'Panther Daddies' are far from innocent, naive or inexperienced. They are educated and understand that a 'consideration' or 'benefit' forms the part of any contract. Who's to criticise such liaisons where the partners have a clear understanding and appreciation of the terms of engagement? Under the assumption that we all enjoy but one lifetime, then we should live our lives to the full but with the provision that in doing so we make every effort to avoid hurt to others.
The younger parties in such relationships can gain many benefits that they may not (perhaps due to social position) normally be able to attain in life. The older party will certainly enjoy the boost to their ego and, no doubt the sexual fun and games that will form a major feature of the relationship.
The Cougar Woman and Panther Daddy relationships are but one aspect of the 'Relationship Age Gap' equation. Statistics indicate that 'Older woman - younger man' relationships have increased substantially throughout that past sixty odd years and that great numbers of such relationships are successful and lasting based upon true and solid love connections.
Thanks to technology, health and beauty facilities of the past sixty odd years there is no reason why older woman should suffer the aging process experienced by their hard working great and great-great grand mothers.
So, this now brings me to this word 'Mature'. As I look around at the excellent physical conditions of some of the older ladies that I know, then the word mature should apply more to the 65 plus age range. I know someone that was in her 40's that was attracting younger guys even without trying.In fact she was pestered for dates by a sane, good looking 22 year-old male and although it was of much concern to her 19 year-old son, it was apparent that the lady in question was somewhat thrilled at the attention and, lets be frank about it. What woman wouldn't be?
I once read a biological article that claimed that the female sexuality peeked at the 35-40 age ranges and the male in early twenties. I would attach some credence to that claim based partly upon personal experience. Try understanding from the outset (pleasure affair, not a love affair) where the partners experience a powerful mutual instant attraction both physically and mentally, hold strong respect for each other and, perhaps above all, enjoy an unfettered ability to communicate without embarrassment, then such a relationship can develop into an exciting, pleasurable and memorable life experience for both.
Thank goodness society has changed. Today the older woman, younger man relationship would pass unnoticed. Some 40 years back however, discovery of the relationship would have resulted in the older woman being condemned and ostracized without mercy by society and, principally by her own sisterhood.Probably Hollywood had more of an influence on today's acceptance of this so it becomes something normal. Maybe the fact that not many of us see people in this situation that we don't really care either.
Bar advice.To the slightly older girls out there ignore the silly terms 'cougar' or 'mature'.If you fancy him, he fancies you and you get on well, then go for it. Doesn't matter if he's younger.You will both probably have a whale of a time both in and out of the sack? Love is blind to age as well.