Showing posts with label sexy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sexy. Show all posts

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Sex All Around The House

Sex All Around The House - Book Review

We all need to spice up our lovemaking at one time or another. In fact, it's very important to the well being of your relationship! However, with so many lovemaking books out there, does Michael Webb's latest addition to his lovemaking collection size up and stand out from the crowd? Let's find out

The Oprah expert's latest book called “Sex All Around The House” takes a very different turn for ways to spice up your lovemaking. Rather than talking about positions, techniques and locations, this book focuses on how everyday household items, yes the ones already laying around your house, can be used to spice things up.

On first glance, I was a little hesitant of the idea of using things from the house. I wondered if this book could deliver. I mean how many could there possibly be? Ice, oils, candles? Come on! However, I was actually surprised by the amount of unique and wonderful things you can use, and I quote, “to get your partner's engine revving.”

Want to hear some more? Get frisky in a sleeping bag, fun and challenging! Wear nothing but an apron to cook a meal and surprise your partner. A great turn-on, especially for men. Play a sexy game using an MP3 player where you each have an earpiece and have to make love without it falling out - including changing positions and giving oral. Playable with or without sexy 'penalties.'

There was even one about wearing earplugs! Everyone knows you can heighten sound and touch by blindfolding, but almost no one thinks about trying earplugs to block out sound from your steamy passion. Nice idea to heighten touch and visual sense and create a totally new experience. I was also surprised to discover that some of these items can be used to make men last longer and even an item that makes some adventurous positions possible. Nice addition!

So as you can see, this book actually has some fantastic and exciting ideas you can use to spice up any lovemaking, no matter how fiery it already is. Best of all, because sex toys are so expensive, you'll save lots of money(and lots of embarrassment) by using the items you already have around the house. Were there any downsides? Yes. The book could have had a few more ideas, considering you won't like all of them(no one will like all of them) but there are definitely enough to keep you very happy.

Bar advice. All in all, this is a great resource that you'll wonder how you did without. Whether you want to add more fire, perform better in bed or just have more fun, you'll find many tips and ideas to make it happen. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kissing woes for guys

If you're so new to experiencing success with women that you find yourself hesitating to kiss them, even when you're alone with them, this is for you. Even for those guys out there who are otherwise doing find but can't seem to transition easily to kissing, this is still helpful.

Alright, you're alone with her, or at least a private area with her, she's sticking around in a way that indicates she's interested and you want to kiss her but you mentally freeze up. If you've been in this situations too many times, and didn't go for it, chances are you eventually lost the girl's interest and the only result you got was a lingering feeling for days, "I should have kissed her." You know if the moment is gone, so is your chance. Like Nike says, "Just do it." That would work. Maybe. It works theoretically because you can read that when there are no girls around and think in your mind, "Hell, yeah, next time I'm going to "just do it!" Then when next time comes around, you're hesitating again and still unsure of yourself. Instead I will give you a fool proof method to not only successfully kiss her, but to do so in a way you will find fun and allow you to skip past your hesitation.

She could be talking, drinking, fiddling with her hair, listening to you talk, or just plain sitting there like a lump on a log. It doesn't matter. Getting over the kissing woes for guys could be simple. May not work on all girls but is good to know. Just move towrds her slowly and look at her for a sec, then her bare neck, then back at her eyes(her eyes will be following yours by now) and then go in and start licking and kissing her where shoulder meets her neck. She will make freaky noises and giggle and then you come up for air after a few seconds and smile. Then ask her one of two possible questions. "How did it feel?" or "Do you want to know what it feels like?" Either way, kiss her on the lips, without waiting for an answer. It doesn't matter how she responds to the question, her openness to your kissing her is now increased by a factor of ten because you just did something outrageous, flirty, fun, and sexy.

If she didn't like it and pushes you away, it's probably not you. It could be though. Possibly she's not all that ready to move further or isn't experienced as yet. At least you got a kiss in. Once a girl I kissed looked at me stone cold after I did that and asked, "Why did you do that?" and I said "Because I wanted to know if you're as hot as you look." She laughed and we kissed more. Other times just went like clockwork. Shrieks, laughing, then kissing. Yes, if you look at this logically, it's retarded, but it accomplishes something that "just do it" lacks. It JUST DOES IT. So get out there and just lick it.

Bar advice. Not every girl wants to be kissed so soon. You got to make a judgement call on the right timing. First dates, it's a No No but it does work for some when it's tried.

Sex toys - EdenFantasys adult toys store

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How sexy do you want to be?

Most women look at the magazines on the shelves at stores and supermarkets, or at least the covers, and wish that they looked like those girls. Some actually believe that is what all the sexy women look like in real life. Some are so obsessed with the methods the models or celebrities use that their health is placed in danger.

It's great to be hot and have a lot of guys come after you and such but if you're obtaining that physic by unhealthy methods that can harm you or even cause death, than you're going down a dark and deadly path. We've all heard about how models starve themselves, have bulimia or are anorexic. These stories are just that, stories. People tell themselves that everything will be fine but it only sinks in when a friend or relative dies from it. A lot of women live lives that are a far cry from being thin and are very successful, have lots of men and live a healthy lifestyle. Take Tyra Banks for example. She used to be on all the covers and runways for the world, still does sometimes, but she never did all the crazy stuff to hurt herself to become thin. Maybe for some people it's a bit more natural being thin but others have a hard time.

Sexiness can also be the brightness of a girls smile. Her pouting lips like Angelina Jolie. Maybe even curves like Queen Latiffa. Women can enhance their looks with the right makeup on. Trust me I've seen some girls plaster on a ton of make up that they look worse than the clown, Ronald McDonald. You wouldn't want to see them in a dark alleyway at night. You'll mistake them for a ghost.

Lingerie is also something that can bring out that sexy, naughty vibe in you. Women think it's all superficial. They fail to realize that men can sniff out the confidence of a sexy chick. It's built in nature for them. Just remember that many women around the world all look different. Many have the whole sexy, beauty, stylish package. Others just have to deal with the "Ugly Betty" package that they got when God was handing out looks. Remember, the show "Ugly Betty" is all about this superficial world and what it takes to overcome those obstacles.

Last but not least. Wake up from the dream state you're in if you are thinking that you're going to change over night. Your face and body is who you are. Say cheers to all the beautiful women out there but say a cheer for yourself even if you don't make the "cut". I notice that women tend to check out other women. Not sexually, well some do, but just to see if they measure up to them or the other way around. A woman will not feel threaten if she's in the company of another that isn't giving out the overly sexy and hot vibe that will make her seem insignificant.

Women are always competing with others to be beautiful, to be hot looking, sexy and more but let me go back to emphasise that the key to all of this is the "confidence" you personify that will make you sparkle better than a diamond. Those that are blessed with their looks and bodies sometimes find it a curse that they have to keep up the image or be criticized. This can bring depression and self destruction to some. Look at people like Merilyn Monroe, Karen Carpenter or worst of all Anna Nicole Smith. Dead and gone. Is that going to be you too?

Bar Advice. Keeping a healthy life style, exercise and a attitude with confidence will make you feel so much better that you won't be bothered with the whole image business.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Confidence makes you Sexy

He walks down the street with a purpose to his step, and people notice him. He is aware of this. He especially likes the looks he gets from the ladies.

She is sitting on a bench awaiting the bus to arrive when she sees him approach from the opposite end of the street. There is just something about the way he carries himself. If she were asked to describe him using only one word, that one word would be. SEXY!!

Confidence is sexy in both men and women. However, the amount of confidence that should be displayed and still considered to be sexy differs between the sexes. Some women have had the misfortune of being labeled cold or uptight for appearing too confident. Whereas the same amount of confidence, when shown by a man does not draw such harsh criticisms.

Confidence sends a message of strength, bravery, competence, and skill to others. These positive qualities tend to attract others to the confident person. People are more likely to look for the guidance of a confident person in times of trouble and crisis. This is because confident people are strongly believed to be more level headed, able to think beyond emotions when problems or emergencies arise. Confident people tend to rise further in work careers and in other areas of life because their strong belief in themselves results in the trust of others, especially of those who can help them to further careers and social standings.

The appeal of these qualities, so often equated with confidence, (strength, bravery, competence, and skill) hearkens back to the time of the cave man. It was only those cave men who showed great confidence against such great adversity, who won the affections of cave women. Confident cave women appealed to cave men because it signaled that she was also quite capable of surviving the harshness of the world they were living in at the time. This encouraged mating between cave men and women, allowing the continuing survival of the human species despite the heavy perils to life that savage animals and environmental conditions presented for man at the time.

Today most of us live in comfortable homes, safely protected from the elements. None of us has ever had to face-down a lion in a battle for life and limb. Sexual relations are not just for the sole purpose of the continuance of the human species as it was back then. The steady growth of human populations throughout the world is testament to the fact that the human species is not in jeopardy of being lost. Still, we find confidence just as sexually appealing today as those early cave men and women did.

You can gain the confidence that will get you where you want to go in your career and life. Build your confidence. Walk with purpose in your step. Draw the attention you desire from the opposite sex with the best known aphrodisiac. Confidence!!

Did you know that exercise can help boost your confidence levels? Have you ever noticed how the really fit guy in the gym confidently lifting large weights, always seems to have a crowd of gals close to him? Have you wished for that kind of appeal with the ladies? Or how about the woman that men just can't seem to take their eyes off of, out on the dance floor with her tight, toned body, confidently grooving to the music? Would you like to have what she has? You can have the confident and fit body that commands the attention of others, through exercise.

Our society puts such an emphasis on physical beauty that it seems natural that the more fit and physically attractive a person the more confident they will be. Your sex appeal will increase with confidence and your confidence will increase the more attractive you are, and being in shape helps.

So the next time you're at the gym, hold your head high, even if you're not feeling so confident about yourself, this simple gesture holds a lot of power and you can certainly fake it. The more confident you feel about yourself the sexier those around you will find you.

Bar advice. Looks are not all thee is in life. Confidence gave Arthur Miller what he needed to be with Marilyn Monroe and he was just a timid writer. Can you do it?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Pussycat Dolls娃娃

Bar advice. Lot's of people make noise about their dressing and sexy outfits. The image is a little strong but I think that these are strong girls, especially the lead pussycat Nicole, that are out to have fun and make their mark in the world at this young age becuause they don't know what may happen to them in the future. There are other artist that have come and gone and we never hear from them again. Let's just enjoy these gals.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Things that turn women off

No matter the subject it as always as useful to know what not to do, as it is to know what to do. So, today, we're going to talk about what not to do when it comes to attraction. This will give you guys a handy guide of things to avoid when interacting with any sexy woman.

First off, don't try to impress her by talking about yourself, how much money you make, the sport you like, etc., etc. Believe me, she's heard all that before, by men who are smarter, better looking, and more successful than you. Instead, ask her genuine, open-ended questions about herself, and pay close attention to her answers. Shut off the conversation in your own head, and pay attention to her. You'll be amazed at how this creates attraction.

Don't ask her if "you can take her out," or if she "has a boyfriend," or if you can "have her number." You're letting her define the relationship, which sexy women hate. In addition, questions like these activate subconscious processes that lead to autopilot answers like, NO!. It's the same thing as a salesperson asking you, "Can I help you?" and you saying, "No thanks, just looking." Switch the question to, "What specifically are you looking for?" and you'll get a better answer. Same thing when setting up a second meeting with the woman you're talking to. "Let's continue this conversation over coffee sometime," works a heck of a lot better than, "Can I take you out?"

Don't shower her with compliments about her beauty, looks, etc.

She's already heard it, and knows you're trying to "compliment your way into her pants." Idiot! Treat her like a human being, ask her about her hopes, dreams, and desires from a place of genuine interest, not the ulterior motive of getting your hands on her. Although it sounds obvious, this is actually a very subtle shift in thinking for most men. She'll pick up on the fact that you're not lusting after her, when every other guy she's talked to that day is and she'll start to wonder what's different about you. Give her a "bad time in a good way," teasing her about her looks, what she says, etc.

Attraction is a give and take, it has a rhythm to it. Switch from sincere to teasing, and back again. It's this switching that creates attraction.

Don't ask her, "So where do you want to go?" Take the lead, and suggest several places by saying "Hey, let's go here(name place)sound good to you?" is much better than the above question. If she doesn't want to go there, then ask her for suggestions. Believe it or not, this is a big breakthrough.Don't plan your life around her.Live your own. This kills more relationships than probably anything else. Women want to be with a strong guy, not a surrogate mommy to a little kid.

Bar advice.A lot of these things are common sense, but as they say, common sense ain't so common. Most of us are socially conditioned to do the things I just mentioned, and we actively have to avoid them. I know I do. Even with everything I know, I occasionally find myself slipping back into the above behaviors, and they lead to predictable results. The death of attraction.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Men looking to hook up with chicks.

There are tons of reasons why women go to clubs and bars and it's not just to have fun.Do you think women just dress up in uncomfortable high heels and barely a piece of cloth covering their bosoms to have fun with their girlfriends? Here are a few types that you will find in these places and what you can do to make it easier on you get her attention.

The peacock.
She is the one who seeks your attention but has no intention of going home with you. she dresses sexily in revealing clothes and dances seductively. Once she catches you looking at her, just like a peacock, she spreads her feathers out for more attention. You'd wish she would spread her legs but no chance with this one. Undoubtedly coquettish, she has enough courage to dance alone while her less than confident friends watch. Most likely, in her small group of girlfriends, she is the one that is considered the 'wild one'.

Approachability: Your approach to the typical peacock is to first act cool. Once you both established the first eye contact, ignore her. Don't throw her another glance but you presence should be felt in a calm manner. Casually ask her girlfriend for the time or a lighter and linger around a bit. If she strikes a conversation first, you're in luck. If not, make your move after a few minutes. Don't take too long or she might move on to others.

The Va-Va Vroom
This is the one who has no problems approaching men. She will zoom in like Micheal Schumacher on ecstasy behind a race car. Just like a bloodhound, she will ask you to dance or chat up with you. Sexy, confident and carrying a lot of attitude, she is normally the one dancing on the bar tops or somewhere high above where everyone can see. Her friendly attitude applies to her ring of friends. You'll find her in a pack of equally attractive women. She's the type that will go home with you. Make you feel really great about yourself but will break your heart instantly. Trust me I know from personal experience. Then again I'm not one to complain about great sex.

Approachability:Chances are she will approach you first but for some reason if you are not on her radar, go up to her and ask her to dance. She likes confident men who shows her attention too. One key thing. Don't offer to but her drinks as other interested parties have been doing that all night. Unless she just got there then be the first.

The Gazing deer
We all grew up with Bambi and the story has taught us that deers are pretty animals. In the human version she is the one that is sincere, kind, confident, attractive and sexy in a subtle way. However, her beauty is skin deep which is evident when you mingle with her or try to have a chat. She can be bitchy if she finds you offensive and drop you in a second. She doesn't let you know she's interested but will eventually one day when she's really into you. She loves playing hard to get, basically, but she loves a gentleman. The kind who will ask her if she needs more drinks or hold her hand when she pukes it out.

Approachability: Start by complimenting her outfit or how good her hair looks. Be very subtle and make sure that she has no clue that you're tyring to pick her up.If she gets hold of that she may drop you like a stone. make friends first. She is the kind that you can bring home to mom but you'll have to work at it very hard. It may take more time and effort but the reward will be nice.

The Promiscuous.
Have you ever seen an agitated lioness prowling in the cage looking like she's premenstruating? The promiscuous type will play you like the dog she made you out to be. She is the opposite of men that 'fool around'. She might have a equally sexy boyfriend on her arm that night at the club and it attracts envy from the ladies as well as men, gay or otherwise. She is the kind that will dance with a man other than her boyfriend and not tell them she's attracted because she is deliberately stirring jealousy. Watching two guys fight it out gives her an ultimate high like a dominatrix vixen in leather admiring bevy of slaves vying for her attention under her wing.

Approachability: The only way you'll succeed is if her boyfriend leaves her alone for most of the night and she flirting with you and making eye contact(and a friend of your can vouch for that in case the boyfriend comes).Approach her only is no bigger than you or if you have a friend that can help you out if things get ugly. She has power over guys and if you go after her then be on your guard. Not recommended if you like the way your face looks right now.

Bar advice. There are so many girls out there that are all sorts of categories that are not mentioned here but approaching the them and getting what you want are not easy. Live and learn is what I say. Also, have fun while you're out there trying. Don't forget, the girls are out there looking for that special guy as well.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Can we blog all this?

Whoever came out with the whole blog thing may or may not have known what they started. This is an outlet for so many people, irregardless of where in the world you are, and you have just become an author.

Whatever you want to say or advise and maybe point out is easily done. The only thing is, who's reading it? Well if people are like you and they are interested in what makes sense to them or reflect all your stuff as something in their lives then you have an audience.

Your stuff can be crap, erotic, sexy, intoxicating, professional, weird or any damm thing. As long as people have an interest then you're ready to party. money is something that most people are interested in but so is life. what can you possibly know about philosophy?

Well you lead you own life so that's a start. Is there any thing that you can share about it? If it's dull and boring don't worry. Most other people are in the same boat. If they weren't than the whole planet would be full of celebrities.

Bar advice.What is it that I'm getting to , besides the fact that this is going to be a short entry, is that our lives are like blogs that we read and see all the time. A lot of us don't journal it but if we did the whole Internet would be filled with mostly that. This is what you do. Add or make a blog today.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

When it ends

I recently met a new customer who just moved here. He came over to Singapore well before he wife was suppose to arrive here. This guy is a 51 year old American but looks like he's 38 or something. Being here for the first time in his life and without the wife. Well what do you think happened?

When I herd the story I thought to myself here is a situation that I've heard and seen before. He had a sexy Indonesian girl with him. They had been together for several months and he was falling head over heels for her. I've seen this sort of thing before and it was nothing new to me.

He told me that his wife had arrived and that he had been with the Indonesian girl for a while that he decided to divorce his wife of 30 years.They moved out of the apartment that the company was paying for and they were in a hotel that was nearby.When he told me this story I could see in his eyes and gestures that he felt relieved and almost glad that this was the outcome. There was a look of rebirth and vigour on his face while he was constantly holding and hugging the girl.His speech was that of a man that was imprisoned and was just released.

I wanted to tell him that this is not new to me. Hearing stories like that but I also wanted to advise him of women that take advantage of guys like that and make them feel so special especially in ways that his wife, of a western country, will never do. The problem is that she was right there in front of us and she spoke english as well so there was no way to get that piece of advice out to him.The next day they were back at the bar and he met with a friend that happen to be in Singapore as well.

Guess what? The friend had an Indonesian girl as well on his arm. The girls didin't know each other but became friends seeing that they were from the same country and the two guys are from the same hometown. The conversation was very light and it was a party mood. I guess he felt better that she had someone to talk to as well.The other girl was really pretty and had a sweet smile. I was surprised that she was 30 years old because she looked like she was 22 or something. Then again the difference betwen Asian and Western women are very wide.It can help if you know how to find things like nano technology.

What's going on exactly at this point of time is baffling to me. He seems ready to move on. I haven't met his wife but he did say that she was going to be going back soon and he will be returning to the apartment. He did say that he blames her for leaving him here to be alone for 5 months without her and it looks like the devil came out and got him to do the ultimate betrayel. Then again I believe that it may have been heading in that direction already. The divorce was probably going to happen for him . This just made it easier for him to go ahead with it.

Bar advice. Just because you're in another country and alone, don't make the mistake of the girl that will want you and because you're feeling or starving from love that you get blinded by it. She will come out with a really sad story and you'll fall for it. Tell you what. They all have one. I've heard them all. Trust me. They want the one thing to solve it and that's your wallet.