Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Getting her number

You guys out there are lame sometimes. Getting her number is a skill set all it's own. Most throwaway phone numbers are a result of the man getting the number too fast.

First of all, if you’re at a bar and meet a girl, don’t talk to her for only five minutes and then start getting her number and leave thinking you’re going to score. After all, what’s the point of getting a phone number in the first place. It's to meet up later and continue the seduction, right?

You had her right there at the bar, right then. You could have used that opportunity to build value with her right then. You were on a “date” with her right THEN but you didn't recognize it. So getting her number so that you can meet up with her later, and walking away from the interaction in the moment is totally counterproductive and nonsensical.

Also, if you start getting her number without going through the proper preliminary steps, then yes, the girl might be digging you, but in reality you didn’t have enough social value to her for her to want to start an ongoing, dating relationship with you.

A girl who with a social value of 8 might give her number to you if she perceives you to have a social value of 6 but that doesn’t mean she’ll follow up with you. Getting her numbers is only solid when you both have the same social value. What is this social value I'm talking about? Well, it's basically a persons standard in their relationship, dating, sex, love and self confidence. Where you stand with him or her and your compatibility can pretty much be discovered if you know what to look for. It will be a waste of time if you both are not suited for each other. Break ups can be hurtful. So unless you're just looking for hot sex without strings then aim low.

Guys, building a peak social value of 10 is not easy so work hard to get there. It's not you who should be worried if you're at that peak yet but it's how she sees you that counts. Will she be interested when you meet her or when you ask for her number. As time goes on and you start to develop better interaction skills and seduction methods so just beware of one thing. Don't blow it by thinking that you can get any girl and become a arrogant jack ass. Women will drop you like a stone if they see that sort of behaviour and if word starts getting around that you're like that you will have a hard time repairing the damage.

Developing those skills and nurturing your social value is a personal responsibility. Also, in the company of other guys you will be the dominant, stand out guy there if the rest are lacking. This gives you better chances with the ladies. Women will see it very clearly even if you don't. You'll be amazed that you can get more than a phone number.

Bar advice. When you just meet a girl, stick to a game plan. The last thing on your mind should be sex just because she gave you her phone number.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Touching someone

Last Saturday Kat messaged me on my cell phone because she thought I was not opening the bar. Actually I opened late a little and she came up to see me. I was setting up the tables when she arrived. She sat there and started smoking. Just as I turned to ask her a question she lit another cigarette using the end of the first one before stubbing it out.

She must have missed smoking for a week and the fact that she would be going to her salsa classes probably made her smoke more. Where she sat had only two chairs. She sat on one and placed her bag on the other. When I joined her she was going to move the bag but I told her that I'd get another chair. The reason was that I could sit nearer and next to her. She smiled as I sat next to her. It was obvious that she knew that I knew that she knew what I was doing. It's called making a 'move'.

Even for someone like my self, touching someone is hard sometimes. The whole animal instinct of guys starts to emerge and women sense the tension that both people have. Don't get me wrong, we haven't done anything but, I do think that we like each other and we are comfortable chatting about anything. Touching just adds to the comfort zone. What's wrong with it? Absolutely nothing. I still got to remember that she's my customer although now a friend as well.

I sat next to her for sometime admiring her figure and of course her 'hot ass' as I called it because she sometimes wear these body hugging outfits for classes and being tight, every detail is revealed. So shoot me. After all I'm a guy. We sometimes ogle at the beautiful form of women. What's wrong with that. She knows she has it and women have to flaunt it proudly especially when gravity hasn't applied it's force on the form as yet.

She needed a lighter to smoke some more and so I got it but I put my arm around her and lit it. The fact that she didn't mind made me feel at ease. If she had said something or told me she was uncomfortable with it then we would have an invisible wall of stress between us from that point onwards. Luckily, that was not the case. I did, however, stop sitting next to her and I even told her that I felt too tempted to do something so I was taking away the seat next to her. I guess it was better not to move too fast as well.

We continued our conversation about her living on her own and her balcony space that she has. Also about the room mates that lives with her. Students from China so conversations are pretty much non existent except when she needs a condom in the middle of the night and had to ask one of them there. She said that when she asked for the condom the guy didn't understand her. Thoughts of getting his penis out and demonstrating the procedure of putting it on went through her mind but she suddenly remembered to say the words, "Sex", to him which brought the latex product out of the drawer. If a girl came up to me and said those word in the middle of the night, irregardless of what language we spoke, I would have had my clothes off in two seconds. What was that guy thinking?

Now I remember. She said he may be gay. Well, his loss. Now all I got to do is figure out who the condom was for. Actually, our conversations are rugged, mature and open to everything. So far.

I really do enjoy my meetings with her and although it's for brief periods, she never fails to put a smile on my face. Great gal but I feel she still searching for something in life that even she can't understand or see in herself as yet. It seems that we both need this little interlude of meetings to stray to some adolescent contact to cut out the world for a while. I hope that she thinks like this as well and touching will just have to slowly take it course.

Bar advice. Some moves should never be done too quickly. Take time to feel relaxed and comfortable with the other. Touching the others mind and heart comes first. It will happen when it happens.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Venereal Disease 在性病病

Venereal diseases, or sexually transmitted diseases (STD) as they are better known today, are a series of diseases which are transmitted through sexual contact between persons, most commonly through vaginal, oral or anal sex. Another term used by experts is “sexually transmitted infections”, but this term is less common.

Venereal diseases are an old companion and concern of mankind. As the British Empire spread throughout the world, British travelers, sailors and soldiers started bringing all sorts of diseases back to England. This is why the first VD clinic opened on January 31, 1747, at the London Dock Hospital. The biggest threats in those times were the syphilis and gonorrhea and the main purpose of the clinic was to study these diseases. They were also considered incurable at the time and doctors focused mostly on treating the symptoms.

The situation changed after the discovery of antibiotics, which made a lot of the old venereal diseases curable. Public health authorities have also launched campaigns of eradication against these diseases, which led to a decline in the number of cases. However, the 80's meant the advent of AIDS and genital herpes, which cannot be cured by modern medicine.

The most common VD's are Syphilis, Chancroid, Chlamydia Infection, Gonorrhea, Herpes, AIDS, Candidiasis and LGV. Sexual contact is also a means of spreading parasites such as pubic lice and scabies.

The easiest way of protecting yourself from VD's is to use condoms during sex. Although this will not help you against pubic lice, it would at least prevent the spread of infections and spare you the 'pleasure' of visiting the STD ward. More so since, despite all efforts, AIDS still means death.

Bar advice. You never know who a carrier is. Keeping your clothes on may just save your life. Some girls are like a hot knife going through margerine, they spread so easily. Some guys have the tools but let's everyone use it. In this day and age it pays to keep a civil thought for your well being.

Friday, March 2, 2007

Grandpa's Sex & Drug Advice - LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE

Bar advice. This was just a movie but a good laugh is sometimes needed in our lives to really see and say the things that's on our minds or when we were that age. Some of us still need advice in our lives at our present age as well.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Stop taking baggage to bed.

You wash your face and brush your teeth, put on an alluring smile and hop into bed with your sweetie. Then start dragging your body image baggage under the covers with you.

For some people this means bringing a tiny speck of a change purse – for others it’s a designer handbag. For those who are the most consumed with their body image this could mean an entire set of monogrammed leather bags in various sizes or, worse, a giant garbage sack filled to the brim!

Where’s the room for a satisfying sex life with all of that?

The baggage consists of those destructive thoughts you have about the size of your thighs, the tone of your tummy, the amount of hair on your body. You worry that your partner will notice or worse, be completely repulsed by you.

If you drag all of those negative beliefs about your body into bed, they can wreak havoc with your sex life.

Unlike you, your partner is probably not thinking about your alleged “flaws” or 'shortcomings' as they are thinking about how much they want to make love to you, and be made love to in return.

They are turned on by the touch of your skin, your smell, your smile. Most of all they are excited by your confidence and openness and your willingness to be in bed with them in the first place!

If you are obsessed with parts of your body, this can have a negative impact on the quality of your sex life for you and your partner. Love-making is a way to bring a couple closer together but you can’t give yourself to the moment if you are constantly wondering what your partner is thinking about with regards to parts of your body. (It probably isn’t what you think!)

Take a moment before you hop into bed to put those fears and insecurities to rest. Your sweetie is waiting for you – ALL of you – to hop into bed. So look into that bathroom mirror, give yourself a 1000 watt smile and remember that it’s the whole package that’s delivered, not just parts.

Bar advice.Set that baggage outside the door, and hang up the 'Do Not Disturb' sign. You’ve got better things to think about!

Monday, February 19, 2007

Overweight? You can still enhance your sex life.

You could try one of the many sexual enhancement drugs available today. You could sign up for very expensive workshops and retreats. You could even strip down and pole dance for your partner.

My guess is that these things just aren't your style. I believe that you're seeking natural and balanced healing for your sex drive and your overweight body.

You're tired, your energy is low and you aren't feeling quite like you think you should. Age is catching up as well. You don't have unrealistic expectations. You do have some dreams you've hung onto despite your physical size. You've clung to them, knowing that some day those dreams would take you to a place inside you where you were finally ready to take control.Once you embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, you can never plead ignorance again. You can never say "I didn't know".

Your sex drive does not need to take a complete dive while you're in the process of losing weight. That extra weight does not have to be like carrying heavy sacks of spuds around. It doesn't have to tire you out. Here are simple things you can do to help energize you and lighten the load..

You can make sure your daily food intake contains the highest possible raw content you can achieve up to about 80%. For now, to go much higher is a path you can move into. Keep the raw fruits and veggies separate and your energy level will steadily climb. Your body will respond to what you feed it. It has no choice, chemically speaking.

Step in place for ten minutes. Hardly a spit in the ocean of time in your day. Get up and do this for yourself. I promise you will love yourself for it. Walk around the house. Preferably outside and breathing with a full inhale/exhale. The more you move, the more you’ll be able to move both in your live and in your love life. You don’t want your partner to have to do all the work do you? Keep your eye on the prize. It’s your dream. You can make it happen!

Make the choice to work at your sex life. Most especially if you and your partner have been together a long time. Sometimes things just need sprucing up. If you feel too overweight to feel sexy, try splitting a bottle of pleasant red wine. Put on something nice and enhance the mood of your room. Work at it. Overweight, underweight or just perfect, people have to make the effort to keep the sexual tension alive.

Tend to your physical appearance. Sometimes in our daily lives, we forget to take a moment to add the little touches that we used to do daily. Trim those stray hairs or apply that bit of lipstick. Guys cut your nails.Small things can enhance your appearance and the way you walk, adding confidence to your style. When we take care of ourselves, we stand taller and feel better about ourselves.

Don’t let life get in the way of preserving the passion and fire you and your partner once had. Don’t let the pounds you’re in the process of losing, discourage you from feeling just as sexy as you did. You’ll get there again and when you do, you’ll still have your mate. The one you fell in love with. Don’t let anything get in the way. Schedule dates with your mate and make the effort.

Bar advice.We have all sorts of obstacles in life and each one can seem insurmountable at the time. Later, we can see each in perspective and sometimes even with humor. Don’t let tomorrow’s comic relief get you down today. Do something about your sex life and the drive will take care of itself.Also, if you think young, you'll be all the time. No matter what the mirror tells you.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

FHM -Jenny McCarthy on fitness

Bar advice. You sex life may need a rethink. Unless you don't care about sex anymore then don't bother. For me, I'll still want to 'do it' till I'm ninety. I've never really been out of shape but even I need to improve as I get older. Listen to your own body.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Sex and drinking- Should you?

Drinking is known as the number one 'panties/boxers remover' in the whole world. We all know that we should not drink and drive, but what about drinking and running to bed? We are not so sure about that, and those who have experienced having sex after drinking will probably agree and remember how big the mistake is.

Here are 7 reasons why not to drink and run to bed:

*The mature lover

The mature ladies love to have sex and like all of us they have that need. If we are talking about the ladies that are quite old, they have defiantly that need and probably have not done it for a long time. She will wait for you while you get drunk in the bar, and when you are done with you 8th drink she will get you. Some of you will say, 'great'. Ok, we all have our style. To each his own I guess.

* Unknown sexual background

She is hot, she has a great figure and she is willing to get to bed with you after the second drink...but she will wait until you are done with the bottle, so it will be more difficult for you the notice the 'extra' body part she has.(She's a He, get it?)

* Your best friend

You always knew that he is a bit different, and every time you have looked at a great looking girl's breasts, he was looking at her boyfriend's ass. Even though he does not fancy you, he will after the 3rd drink, and you start to have the,'I need some sex' feelings. After your 3rd drink you start compromising...and then you wake up in the morning! Now you need to face it.

* The Weight issue

She is sexy, she is pretty, she does not say no and she is about 15 sizes more then you when it is coming to fashion. The sex might be great, but you back aches will be there for years to remind you that moment when you said YES to her...when she asked you if it is ok if she sits on you.

* From the outside and underneath

Yeah, she looks amazing with that mini skirt and when you drink, you do not really get down to the bottom of the details, but the next day, just thinking about what you have been licking could make you sick.

* Act of force.

She looks great and she wants sex but she is also a very 'active' person. If you are into it, great, otherwise, you might find out that the woman of your dreams is a sado queen that wants you here and now as here little wick salve. You might find out that her meaning of sex includes cleaning the house and some other things that you do not really feel like when you are drunk.

*The sticky punch line

All went extremely well. You guys had an amazing evening, and you might even love her for that but now you will have to pay for it for the rest of your life (this is if you're in Vegas or something) as you were so drunk that you married her.

Bar advice. When they said don't drink and drive they meant it. This one they do themselves so there's no law against it.

Relationship troubles

Remember when you thought you met the mate of your dreams? You couldn't stop thinking about her/him. The sun shone more brightly. Love songs on the radio seemed like they were written just for the two of you. You loved doing things to please this person. You would sit around for hours talking about anything and laughing about the same things. Maybe at times it seemed like you knew exactly what they were thinking; you were totally in sync. Everything seemed to fit so perfectly.

But after a while the honeymoon stage seems to wear off. You might wake up one day and think, is this all there is? Have we grown apart or become different people? Maybe you have wondered if you're even in love anymore of if your mate still loves you. Maybe you have found that you have many conflicting ideas about the important things, like finances, child rearing, sex, careers and the list could go on and on.

We get so busy with our jobs, families, paying bills and all of the mundane activities of every day life. Maybe you find out the two of you were not as in sync as you might have thought. Over fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. What may have seemed like small potatoes when you first got together could have a way of becoming catastrophic and what seems to be unbearable later on.

Relationships can be very trying misunderstandings, hurt feelings, betrayal, and loneliness are things that should not be swept under the rug. It's so easy for people to say, you need to communicate with your mate. Who doesn't know that? The problem for many is, how? How do you mend all the broken fences? How do you express what's really going on inside of you? How do you get your mate to open up and share his or her feelings with you?

Bar advice.Before you throw in the towel, there are some things you should know. There are ways to learn to communicate and handle situations effectively. You may be amazed at the difference it can make in a relationship when issues are approached the right way. If you already have a great relationship, there are ways it can even be better! Remember there is a lot of ways of getting help. through books,ebooks, Internet,even doctors and counsellors. Just reading this blog may have help you already.

Monday, February 5, 2007

FHM(Jenny McCarthy) talks on Food and Sex

Bar advice.Guys some of us don't have to follow all the advice but "hey" learning new stuff can actually help if the need ever came up so watch and learn.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Karma Sutra

Just in fairness for both guys and girls. I know some of you don't like to read so here you can get a better idea in the form of visual experience.

Pleas don't think that this is some sort of porn movie or something. it's been around for a very long time and the western world was really the one that brought it to light. These are some very interesting methods and advance ways to please your lover.

All of Bollywood have probably read it. Possibly even Hollywood. It is actually a educational video and gives better relationships and sex appreciation of partners.If you're into the whole romantic,erotic and sexual lifestyle then this is for you.

Bar advice.If you're not ready for this then I suggest that you go for the books first and slowly cross to the DVD. This sensual art of love making is also not know to most people either so I don't expect you to be an expert overnight.

'Sex and the City' and you.

A couple of months ago, I watched a Sex and the City episode, in which Charlotte, in her never-ending quest to find true love, attends a seminar to teach her how to do just that.She drags Carrie along, who scoffs at the whole thing. She thinks both the women who got sucked into attending and the seminar leader are sad and ridiculous.

To attract the right men, the crowd is counseled to use affirmations, which Carrie finds preposterous. These suckers actually think they're going to meet guys by reciting a string of useless words!During the presentation, Charlotte raises her hand to ask the leader a question. She says something like, "I've been using my affirmations, but I still haven't found the right one."

Slightly annoyed, the leader says, you have to get out there, you have to love yourself, and so on.Carrie grabs the mic from Charlotte and insists, "She is out there."The leader says something, but Carrie drowns her out, "She is out there." As far as Carrie's concerned, the seminar is a scam. There are probably no decent men left on the planet. The good ones are married, and the rest have issues.

Now, I enjoy watching Sex and the City. It's fun. It's light. It takes my mind off more serious things.But it is not real life!

Carrie may discount the power of affirmations, but I didn't. If you aim to attract a wonderful man, you shouldn't, either.They work.Even better, they're free.Indeed, they are one of the most important methods.A girl I know told me this.

After years of dating losers, schmoozers, and No-Show Joes, I attracted a loyal, loving, reliable, successful, fun man by using affirmations.If you want to attract a man who is worthy of you, who will add to your happiness, then decide what qualities you want in a man and write an affirmation in the present tense:

I am happily married to (or in a relationship with) a ____, ____, _____, ______ man.

Write it ten times a day. Recite it in the shower. Repeat it to yourself as you're falling asleep at night.Give it time. You could start attracting better men within weeks. If you've been hurt or have trouble trusting men, it will take more time.But keep it up. Keep it to yourself. You'll find out that it's worth it.

The girl who told me this is married now and really doing well so this advice seems to be working and it can for you as well. some may take longer but others will find it easier. desire it it will become a reality.

Bar advice.By all means, keep watching Sex and the City. Just remember that it's fiction. Few people, men or women, actually behave like its characters in Manhattan or anywhere else.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Movies and your relationship

Nothing beats a romantic night at home with your partner, snuggled up on a coach watching a romantic movie. Stop at your local video store, or borrow from someone to save money,and find a movie sure to capture the heart of your mate. Here are some of the best all time romantic movies.

Ten Things I Hate About You.

A teenage romantic comedy, 10 Things I Hate About You is a modern day Taming of the Shrew. Set in a modern high school setting. Bianca Stratford is forbidden to date until her older sister, Katarina begins dating. Unfortunately for Bianca, Katarina has no interest in dating, until she finds a not so perfect guy.

Sweet Home Alabama.

Beautiful, ambitious Melanie flees rural Alabama and her high school sweetheart in favor of Manhattan's glamorous fashion and social circles. When her Park Avenue boyfriend proposes, it's time to head South and finalize her divorce. Melanie learns that somethings can not be left behind.

How to Lose A Guy in 10 Days.

To help land a big ad account, philandering Ben, makes a wager with his co-worker that he can mend his womanizing ways and date a woman for more than 10 days. Ben bets on the wrong girl. Andie is running her own scam and writing an article on how to dump a guy in 10 days and determined that Ben dump her.

When Harry Met Sally.

Can men and women remain friends without the sex part(cough..cough..cough)getting in the way? Womanizing, neurotic Harry and ambitious, equally neurotic Sally are friends who resist sexual attraction to maintain their friendship. As the two draw closer, they ask if they can they stay just pals, or will sex get in the way?


Industrious tycoon Linus Larrabee has no room for love in his appointment book. Sabrina Fairchild the chauffeur's daughter has spent her whole life worshipping the wealthy Larrabee family from afar. Heartbroken to learn that David doesn't share her feelings, she spends a year in Paris, then returns home more confident and poised. But when a burgeoning romance between his libertine brother David and Sabrina, jeopardizes Linus' pending business merger, the workaholic CEO clears his calendar to derail the relationship.

Some Kind of Wonderful.

Watts is a young tomboy who has a crush on her best friend, Keith, but her feelings go unrequited as he falls for Amanda, a rich girl with snobby friends. Unfortunately for Keith, Amanda's wealthy ex-boyfriend wants her back and is willing to do anything to get her. This coming of age movie reminds viewers what really matters.

Pretty Woman.

Looking for directions to his Beverly Hills hotel, millionaire corporate raider Edward Lewis crosses paths with Hollywood hooker Vivian Ward and hires her as his "date" for a week. Vivian gets swept into a fantasy realm of room service and boutique shopping on Rodeo Drive, and what starts as a business contract turns into much more. Can the poor prostitute and rich industrialist live happily ever after? This is a must see for women that think it's going to happen to them. Forget it. Even though I personally know a few ladies of the night that have married guys and even had children, I strongly advise you to look elsewhere.

Cutting Edge.

Spoiled but accomplished figure skater Kate Moseley is on her way to the Olympics, and so is egotistical hockey player Doug Dorsey. When an eye injury puts Doug out of hockey, he reluctantly agrees to try figure skating as Kate's partner. The duo gets off to a rough start but learns to perform as a team, and they soon become a force to be reckoned with.

Jerry Maguire.( Urghhh but fantasy for women again.)

In one of the best date-night movies of all time, a sports agent grows a conscience, promptly gets fired and attempts to turn his life around. With one loyal football client. A starry-eyed co-worker and her irresistible son tag along, the sports agent discovers that loving well while playing fair is the best revenge.

The Princess Bride.

In this enchantingly cracked fairy tale, the beautiful Princess Buttercup and the dashing Wesley must overcome staggering odds to find happiness. Giants, swordsmen, six-fingered counts, murderous princes, Sicilians, pirates, rodents of unusual size and even death can not stop true love from triumphing.

Dirty Dancing.

Expecting the usual ennui that accompanies a summer in the Catskills with her family, 17-year-old Baby Houseman instead finds herself in love. The object of her affection, is none other than the resorts free-spirited dance instructor, Johnny Castle. But Baby's disapproving dad soon steps in to keep Johnny from putting the moves on his artless daughter.


Bored with high school boys, best friends Cher and Dionne instead set their sights on college men. But the meddlesome Cher gets more than she bargained for when she gives a fashion-challenged student a makeover in hopes that her new friend will find love and happiness.

She is All That.

Laney Boggs, a geeky high school student, becomes a challenge, when she spills her books in front of class superstar Zach Siler. Zach's buddies bet that he can not turn Laney from an ugly duckling into a prom queen. With help from his sister, Zach gives Laney a makeover that turns heads and makes him think twice.

Sleepless in Seattle.(The ultimate)

Soul mates who come perilously close to never meeting. Although separated by thousands of miles, rueful widower Sam Baldwin and soon-to-be married Annie Reed connect through a radio call-in show encounter engineered by Sam's son, Jonah.It's a slow and wanting/longing for all natural people. This is the stuff that we all want and still find hard to achieve.

Blog Advice. Women are most attracted to these movies. Purely because they long for some of these things. They want their guy to be like some of these charactrers. Well guy's go check them out because if you want to have a smile on your face daily then this is a lesson to learn well.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Cofidence for you ladies. Know it now.

Remember Teri Hatcher doing those impossible splits right on the studio floor on Oprah's show? Sheer confidence! Maybe Carmen Electra positively gushing about what exotic dance has done for her body and bedroom tactics? A large number of celebrities have recently taken to a sexy alternative to working out. From pole vaulting they have leapt straight to pole dancing at the X Factor and they aren’t stopping at pole-dancing either. Our celebrity pin-up girls have been everywhere and done everything, from Strip-Aerobics to Exotic Dance Workouts, the motto is ‘Everything sexy goes’!

If all this sudden gush for sex is making you blush, you go ahead and click your tongue and hang your head in shame, no one will begrudge you. “SEX SELLS” and we are being sold it morning, noon and night through every possible channel. It screams at you from gigantic billboards featuring gorgeous demi-love-gods, pierces into your fantasy’s through the television and fondles your imagination with semi-naked bodies scattered all over the net. Life itself is like one giant, prolonged orgasm and as a woman you are expected to idolize those models and endeavor to look like one.

Sure you wanna be Carrie from ‘Sex and the City’ and moan and groan and roll around on your bed with a different guy every night, seven nights a week turning your life into a series of fantastic sexual escapade but you'll snap out of it. After all life is not a TV show and learning how to embrace your sexuality takes time and effort.

First impressions are important. Amongst the glamour of the TV shows and the supposed sexual abandonment, the skin and the G-Strings, women have to deal with mixed messages, guilt trips, religious dogma, body image, and misinformation. Sure getting your hymen snapped by 16 is a must, but so is regretting doing it by 25. Beneath all our external frills, getting laid is an issue women deal with badly.

The concept of‘Positive Sex is an idea not many of us have managed to fathom yet. Fornication is still, essentially a male domain, where women participate like whimpering goats, hesitating and interestingly enough feeling insecure about their role in it all. In general cases.

A majority of women swear by making love in the dark. Here's what I KNOW, most of us are ashamed of our body. Nudity is a concept we haven't been taught to handle well. Seeing ourselves naked freaks us out, and knowing that someone else is watching us naked, desiring our body for itself, brings to life our worst fears. This is the gaze our parents warned us against, this is what religious lessons have told us to avoid. So off goes the light, plunging everything, from ourselves, to that desirous gaze, to our insecurities, into comforting darkness.

The truth is that the darkness serves as a warm invitation to what Susan Bremer calls our ''Shadow”side. ‘'Every woman wants to take a trip to their wild side” she explains,‘We all yearn to seduce. But we've been told over and over again that to rejoice in our body is immoral, yet the wish to feel powerful in our sensuality, to express our sexuality remains.” Jane(a girl I know), a proud ‘Gentleman club’ dancer considers her sexual prowess to be her way of establishing her role in a world hounded by men.

This sense of power probably needs some delving into. As women suffer from their own insecurities. It’s a cliche by now but they all know that the world belongs to the testosterone thugs. They keep women down everywhere, be it in the boardroom or wherever. Slowly women grow use to being kept down, such that they soon become conditioned to not reversing the situation at all.

A positive sex-image, whether you use it or not, can and will alter all this most miraculously. Your sexual achievements in the bedroom can give you the kind of omnipotent confidence which oozes out from your personal to public sphere. For any woman with low self-esteem, the act of embracing your sexuality serves as a miracle tool for believing that she can have that effect on other people, in a non-sexual environment too.

The thing is, much as we try to shake it off, we are all sexual beings. Sex is important to us and it has the power to make us feel good. 65% of women in most countries do not, at their heart of hearts, take this idea seriously. Good sex or an attempt to have good sex, for them, is still a nudge-nudge-whisper-whisper issue. This attitude gets transferred from them to their kids and grand kids and so on, such that each generation of these young women grow up with the idea that every time they are making love they ought to feel guilty about it. This mystifying of the subject is harmful for a lot of reasons.

For starters it gives us a lifelong baggage of guilt, every time we think about sex. Every time we fantasize or our hands itch to masturbate we feel like a criminal. The constant feeling that sex is wrong or dirty leads to a negative self-image as a person. That misinformation means that when we are in the act it can be hard to enjoy it, leading to severe sexual frustration, not a feeling you'd like to carry around with you.
Ladies this discussion might go on and on, because of the trouble to face the fact that we like getting laid. All this has a very easy solution. Get in to your sexiest lacy underwear, devote tonight to unleashing the temptress in you and for once really, really enjoy it without any hang-ups.

Bar advice.You will like the results tomorrow morning.Of course pick the man you really want.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Looking forward to the New Year or not.

The end of the year is coming so what is going on in our heads. Well, for some it's work, business, new beginnings and for others it's who am I going to be with to party on new years eve.

Just like Christmas we sometimes have that sense of loneliness. New year, however, is celebrated by everyone around the planet so just as we are looking forward to new beginnings, we also want to have a last ending and going out with a bang. What is going to happen is we will start to give ourselves resolutions for the coming year and tell ourselves that we got to stick to them. The problem is that we also tell ourselves that we got a few days to party like mad.

We hit the bars, clubs, massage places and some maybe even the red light districts. It's natural and a lot of people will be doing just that. Two years ago I remember a really great, freak out time we had at a previous bar that I had. There were so many hot girls and the guys were salivating just looking at them. There were some hookers but it was all fun. Like I said, everyone celebrates the new year. The feeling in the air was like a full moon above and all the coyotes were howling. Something you see in the movies or cartoons.

We all got that animal magnetism. It draws the male and female togetherness and when there's something to celebrate and lots of drinks at the bar, then hormones take over and we go a little nuts over sex. The opposite sex, even if less attractive on that night, is still pursued because everyone wants to end with a bang like I said. Somehow we just want something special before the last day of the year. some because it was a really bad year for work or some because they are far away from the one they love. Maybe some need to fill a space when they broke up with someone recently. Even the hookers will throw in a freebie if they like you.

Bar advice. Before the end of the year comes. Make those resolutions. In fact make a long list of it then after that when the first day comes. Take out that list and throw it all away except one. Why? Because it's hard to change. You'll feel better when you can do one then not do any.