Monday, July 9, 2007

Myths about our "soulmate"

Our soul is our heart. It is full of radiance. Therefore, our soul mate is someone who reflects our heart.

A man's heart is feminine and the woman who is his soul mate reflects his soul. A woman's heart is masculine and the man who is her soul mate reflects her soul. Each one feels the presence of the other inside of them as the very core of who they are. There is a deep recognition of this truth.

The painful truth is that most people have never known this inner radiance. Instead, they cling to the many myths about the soul mate relationship that are simply not true. These false beliefs need to be understood. Here are just a few.

Myth One: Many people believe that they will find their soul simply by looking, wishing, hoping and dreaming.

They feel that somehow this person will come along and make them eternally happy. This is the most naive of all the soul mate myths.

Myth Two: Others tend to rely upon how much they are attracted to another person to determine if they are their soul mate or not. The truth is that our attractions are very deceiving. The myth is that we can trust our feelings of attraction, as if our feelings are a validation of the facts. Further, the attraction you may have for someone could actually be a fatal attraction without you even realizing it. You may think a person is your soul mate, but you could simply be sexually obsessed with them.

Myth Three: Why are so many of us looking for a soul mate when we don't have any capacity for true heart intimacy? Even if our soul mate actually does appear, we become so terrified of giving our heart to them that we run 100 miles in the other direction. The unconscious myth here seems to be that we can find our soul mate without surrendering our heart.

Myth Four: Another myth is that we will recognize our soul mate if we meet them. We fail to realize that if our soul mate reflects our soul, and we are unable to feel our own inner radiance, don't really love our self or know who we are and then we will be unable to recognize him or her. In fact, you could know such a person for years without even recognizing that they are your soul mate.

The fact that this word alone; soulmate, is a distraction to the feeling that we get when finding the real love of another person. We live in a mental state of a fairy tale told by others. Possibly conversations we heard from parents or friends and even television. We place that word with such high regard that when we find someone and he/she doesn't turn out to become the soulmate we envisioned, we loose all hope of ever finding love or someone to care for us.

Bar advice. The connection of two people ready with intention and purpose of love, matrimony and family is what connects us to each other in the spirit of the soul.

America Alone

In this, his first major book, Mark Steyn, probably the most widely read, and wittiest, columnist in the English-speaking world; takes on the great poison of the twenty-first century. The anti Americanism that fuels both Old Europe and radical Islam. America, Steyn argues, will have to stand alone. The world will be divided between America and the rest; and for our sake America had better win.

Then again do they know who they are fighting? Where the countries are? Who is the enemy and who is at their side? It's only the people in government that do but the rest of them have better start learning they are not the "king of the world". Sorry that I have to take it out on the Americans but sometimes people need a wake up call. That doesn't mean that the Brits, Aussies and Europeans are not as daft as well. They live in worlds of their own and think everyone else owes them.

Bar advice. Wake up before it's too late, America. Before you can teach others, learn first and be humble.

Americans are NOT stupid - WITH SUBTITLES

Watch this video on You Tube and find out what it's like to really hear and see what people "know" about other parts of the world. The places, people, countries, landmarks, leaders and even geographically where other places are. Not forgetting that they couldn't even pick out a country starting with the letter "U". Their own.

Bar advice. This is the people of the most powerful nation on the planet. God help us all if they were in the front lines.

Avoid breaking up badly

We all agree it is compassionate to avoid hurting people’s feelings whenever possible. The “whenever possible” clause creates some confusion when ending a relationship, however. This is an inherently painful time for one or both parties.

Many tactics have been used, when breaking up with someone, to attempt sidestepping this inevitable truth. They all fail. Worse yet, avoidance of the plain, honest truth causes more misery then is necessary in these situations. Therefore, avoid being evasive or vague. Be direct while taking responsibility for what you want.

There are no strict rules about how to end a relationship. However, a few tips can help when breaking up with someone.

Don’t be evasive, unclear or vague. Be direct and to the point. This is not an enjoyable matter for either of you. Giving false hope or making your partner guess at what you want prolongs everyone’s misery.

Do not break up in stages. You may think this will make the loss easier. Don’t fall for it. This only serves to administer low, medium and high doses of pain over a longer interval.

Don’t lie or invent a story. Things will not add up and the falsehood will be found out sooner or later, usually sooner. Getting over a break up is hard enough without introducing mistrust. Making someone piece together bits of information while leaving him/her to guess what is true, causes unnecessary pain.

Don’t blame someone or something else for your choices. Identifying and asking for what you want is an important developmental step and is necessary for mature relationships. Also, hiding behind excuses is pretty transparent. It is likely the other person will see what you are doing. Conversely, if he/she actually believes your excuse, the person will try and problem solve how to remove whatever relationship obstacle you’ve fabricated.

Don’t delay ending a relationship. Once you know you want to break up with someone, it does not help if you deny what you feel. Your partner will sense a change, perhaps reaching out for reassurance. This may feel like “neediness” to you which will increase your feelings of being stuck.

It's hard to end a relationship especially if several years have gone by. If you're leaving because of another man/woman then you are doomed to fail in the next one as well. People that break up after trying to find their purpose and intention with their partner and finding out that it isn't working are not deceiving their partner. The effort was put in but it seems that it's not working out and if the partner can see that you were genuine in the relationship and did all that you could, would understand even if it hurts. He/she knows in the heart that it is for the best.

Bar advide. Cry and sob to ease the pain but you know that it was better this way then fooling yourself and things end up worse later in life.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Live Earth. Videos. Madonna's "Hey you"

The official song of Live Earth. Madonna sings "Hey you".

Official Live Earth MTV video release 7/7/07.

Bar advice. A picture paints a thousand words. Watch.

Live Earth. SOS. 7/7/07

Well as I'm writing this the "Live Earth" concert is ongoing. There are concerts from Johannesburg, London, Washington, Tokyo and more. The message that this 24 hour long broadcast is simple but deaf to the ears of people that don't bother about mother earth.

Saving the planet. Usage of fossil fuels, green house gas emissions, industrialization and general daily but subtle changes can make a huge difference in the reduction of global warming. For the first time in history more then 150 artist have come together to share their time and energy to help in getting this message across to people and governments.

The partnerships of MSN, The alliance of climate protection, The climate croup, I count, Control room, National geographic, WWF, AISO, Earthlab foundation and many more sponsors have pulled this off. A monumental undertaking that will be recorded in the history but that all wont mean a thing if the message doesn't get through to people.

Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is the Chair of the Alliance and Partner of Live Earth. Live Earth was founded by Kevin Wall, the Worldwide Executive Producer of Live 8, an event that brought together one of the largest audiences in history to combat poverty. Wall formed a partnership with Al Gore and the Alliance for Climate Protection to ensure that Live Earth inspires behavioral changes long after 7/7/07.

The mission of the SOS campaign is to empower individuals to change their consumer behaviors and motivate corporations and political leaders to enact decisive measures to combat the climate crisis. The message of SOS is that everyone, everywhere can and must "Answer the Call" to solve the climate crisis. The SOS campaign's identity and language is based on the international Morse code distress call: three dots, followed by three dashes, followed by three dots.(..._ _ _ ...) The SOS signal will be used as a continuous call to action to prompt individuals, corporations and governments around the world to "Answer the Call" with immediate and sustained action.

Are we to believe that things will really change after this. It is going to be a long uphill battle to change what is happening to the world right now. Anyone almost anywhere in the world will testify that their countries weather, seasons, wildlife, rainfall and temperatures have changed. Things will only get worst before it can get better. The fact is that we can do something about it and do it now.

People live on just this one planet. Resources are scarce. There's more than 6 billion people that need food, water and shelter. If we don't do anything about the problem then surely all of us, including the plants, trees, animals, birds and everything in the oceans will be cooked like an egg on a grill or drowned like sewer rats when the polar ice melts. The dawn will become bleak. Mass panic for survival will take place and it will become "every man for himself" tactics involved.

This Live Earth party seems a joyous event but its sobering note is for people to make changes. Learn to recycle, reduce and re-use what we have so we don't make more damage to the environment. Teach your kids. Share what you know with others. Show by example. Live with a daily thought about the environment and we will all smile about it some time in the near future because other generations will see us as the ones that put a stop to the destruction of the planet and it's resources.

Imagine if our planet was an island and the vast universe was the ocean with all the other planets as other islands but inhabitable. If we destroy all there is on the island we're on, where then will we live. It's not as if we can go some place else or get more resources from any other place. Hell, we can't even get to the next planet and we already know that we can't live there. Then what?

Bar advice. What we change today will benefit us later. Governments globally, get mad and do something for the planet and for the human race.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What's up?

It seems that everyday is either a good one or a bad one. Sometimes it's where we are and sometimes it's in other parts of the world. It seems that the world has both the bad and the good all rolled into one.

This is just a short blog for people having a bad or good day. Most of us actually have bad ones. The day to day struggles of work, family, relationships, children and money. That old dollar that seems to work it's way into all our problems. Wouldn't it be nice if everyone was rich?

Monte Carlo is an example of a place where there is tons of cash in every pocket. The funny thing is that the money they spend on such luxuries like buying a car, staying in a hotel or pulling their yacht into port is pricy. The berth fees alone can feed a small town in Africa. Looking at what they pay, it actually makes it almost the same whereby we earn less and pay for things that are less expensive but compared to their earnings and spendings, it comes to the same.

Sure they lead a better lifestyle. Nice houses, clothes, jewelry and such but is there happiness? A lot of people think it solves problems but even if you strike the lottery today you may end up wishing that you didn't. You may just find that friends are not friends. Relatives and family are likes wolves in sheeps clothing. The dog is probably still the only one that loves you unconditionally.

Bar advice. We all want nice things. Don't make material things the centre of your world. We came into the world with nothing and we'll leave it the same way.

Monday, July 2, 2007

If you had money would it bring you happiness?

Falling in love is usually rated as the strongest source of positive emotion. People report euphoria, excitement, affection, contentment, laughing. Research shows that the more sex someone has, the happier he or she is(for both men and women).

The stronger ties to friends someone has, the happier he or she is.Research shows again and again that the most important factor in happiness is having good interpersonal relations, with friends, family, and lovers.

At times it can seem paradoxical, because many of us think we can hardly wait to get home and be alone with nothing to do! Most guys think that having more money will make them happier. In fact, many put off meeting women and having a social life to
further their careers. Studies show people making $100,000 dollars are no happier than those making $30,000 dollars.

And studies show that guys making lots of money have no more sex or more sexual partners than guys living on a paycheck week to week, because they typically work longer hours, have less leisure time, and have more stress. I know what you're saying to yourself, "Give me lots of money and I'll show you I can be happy". Well here were not talking about someone striking the lottery or getting a in inheritance. Then again, what makes you think people that get that become happier?

In fact, study after study shows that it's the people who are alone with nothing to do who are typically the most unhappy. Almost universally, whether extroverted or introverted, people feel happier when they're with other people. BELONGING is a great
source of pleasure. We want to feel part of a group, whether it be with a lover, a set of friends, or a family. So being social and feeling content and happy go hand in hand. Happy people not only have more social interactions, they're also of a higher quality.

Quality in relationships is as important as quantity. Research shows that people want confidants, people in whom they can confide, more than just friends with whom they can "hang out". People want intimacy. It's the deeper relationships that allow companionship and confiding that makes people happy.

To form a close relationship involves an increasing level of self-disclosure, and without it people will still be lonely even if they have many "contacts". Studies have found that adults who had plenty of friends and spent a lot of time with them were still lonely because they talked about impersonal topics, such as sports and pop music, rather than about their real concerns.

Have you ever laid down in bed with a partner and just talked about your younger days? What about how your parents treated you? Laughed about how you got punished for stupid stuff you did? Talked to your partner about their concerns in the relationship? Things like this brings happiness from the other because they feel cared for and their partner is communicating with them.

All the scientific research, by a landslide, confirms that developing your social skills and your social relationships, be it work, family of personal, is the most promising path to happiness.

Bar advice.You don't need lots of money to do any of these things, just a new
understanding of reality and a solid foundation in the school of social interaction.