Monday, May 14, 2007

Marriages & Families

The number one seller in the market, this mainstream marriage and family text combines a balanced scholarly and applied approach with a unique theme, "making choices in a diverse society" The text achieves an excellent balance between the sociological and ecological or family systems theoretical perspectives, while including coverage of family dynamics and interpersonal relationships.

Lamanna and Riedmann's coverage offers insightful perspectives on diversity, including different ethnic traditions and marriage and family alternatives.

Bar advice. People that are just starting marriage or those having some form of problems after long period of marriage can use this for really good help with family and relationship help.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Family traditions.

hi5 angels

Each family , big or small, loud or quiet, has its own traditions that are followed more or less unchanged for a long period of time. Keeping these family traditions alive is not only the responsibility of the parents, but also the grandparents, the uncles and aunts, the family friends and in most cases the responsibility of children.

Whether you consider a family tradition to be the annual family vacations to that special place you visit every year, Christmas presents and birthday parties, mothers day or fathers day, the fact remains that families come closer and share the memories of past rituals performed to honor everyone.

When children are still young, so too are parents, family traditions seem to be more sentimental and involve a lot of playing around. As kids get older and parents as well, families try to keep their traditions alive by reaching mutual agreements among the family members. The son that wants to go to a football match and escape the tradition of having to sit down, like every other Sunday, with his whole ten-member family for dinner, can cause some trouble when allowed not to be present often. Keeping the tradition is thus not only the responsibility of the parents in a family, as people seem to believe, but also that of children who will at some point create their own traditions and strive to keep them alive in their own families. Understanding the importance of spending those precious moments with your parents or with your children, will lead you to cherish the instances you had a chance to speak through your actions.

Kids move to higher education and it may take them far from home so traditions fall apart. Some deny this fact by supporting that exactly because children spend less time with their folks they feel the need to do so and use those family traditions as an excuse to visit the house they grew up in. Whichever the case may be, the fact remains that families need those times together and family bonds do develop. Although in many cases these are greatly different from the past, bonds exist because of the family traditions still exist.

Thus, it is imperative for a family to find the right time in order to celebrate the fact that family is what you love most in the world. As a kid your family was the world you knew. As an adult, your family is the world you feel safe in.

Cherish and keep these family traditions alive by doing what you used to do as a kid. Remember and if you are given the chance help your mother bake cookies, wrap presents and put them under the Christmas tree, set up the mother's day dinner, buy the cake your brother or sister will blow the birthday candles on. Do whatever it takes. These are some of the most precious moments you can share with your beloved ones. Do not forget or let them vanish. Time is precious in life. Sometimes tragedies happen and we never get to talk or tell the people we love how we feel about them.

Bar advice. Family traditions get passed on to other generations. If you're using some your parents had, then great. If not, make new ones. Families bond better.

Mothers day

It's once again that special day when we honour our mums. Mother's day. We show our appreciation and love and those with kids enjoy the day together. People tend to do something special on that day like a big family lunch or dinner. Adults sometimes buy their mums a gift or a spa treatment to pamper her. These things are well and good but we sometimes need to be reminded of those that don't get to celebrate this day.

Some people may have been orphaned at birth. While this is sad, the fact is that orphans are made on a daily basis. How? Many different ways.

There is some kind of war going on in many parts of the world at the moment that you're reading this. We take things for granted when we live in more safe and secure places in the world but for those that are in war torn zones, under dictatorships or forced religious governments, don't have much of a choice.

The reverse can happen, whereby, a mother has a child killed with accidental bombings and shootings. In Darfor, western Sudan, the genocide that has taken place has left many griefing maothers and orphans. In Iraq the continued battle for power between the Shites and Sunni people caught in the middle of American occupation leaves little to say but utter chaos. In Sri Lanka the war goes on till today with only a small period of ease when the tsunami struck. North Korea has it's people starving because one man places himself at the top and makes all others worship him like a God.

There are so many other places that has it's share of problems as well. It needs to be said that mothers around the world cry out on a daily basis for losses in their families. Their cries hardly ever gets notice or heared. What can be done for changes to what is going on? Let's imagine the world on a more peaceful level.

If only people would put aside the difference of race, gender, colour and especially religion. The world we know today could become a different place. The news that we see on television could be on different topics than bloodshed and violence. Women around the world should try to find ways to make the rest of mankind change. Maybe it could be better to have a women in the White House in the USA. The other countries have had women lead the country before but never the US. So far the places that have been ruled by women are still in trouble though. Places like the Philippines, India, Pakistan, Argentina and more. What than are we to do?

At the end of it all. Life goes on for all. Mothers still continue to cry. Children long for their mothers to hold them again and put them to sleep. Women pray to the havens for help. Jesus had a mother. Buddha had one too. Mohammad must have as well. Can we not also make a change and sacrifice for the goodness of living in peace and happiness. Some of us may not have our mothers around anymore. We do have memories but the kids today may need us to help them. Choose the side of change so the world can be a better place for all and the tears of mothers and children may end.

Bar advice. One last mother that we have to help as well. Mother earth suffers in silence. It helps if we do our part to heal the planet instead of contributing to it's demise.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Fnding a soulmate.

What is true matching about? It is about people that seem to be made for one another. But this may become a deceiving matter because matching begins with honesty.

1. The first thing you have to do is be honest with yourself, knowing who you are and what you are about. This issue tightly depends on your self esteem, so work it out at this instant, always keep in mind a good image of yourself, this is the essence of being ready for love!

2. Remember that unless you are ready to meet the love of your life, it won’t come for you, because everything depends on how much you want it to happen. Wise men say that when you really want something, the whole Universe rearranges itself for making your wish come true and believe me there is enough room for everybody’s desires. So let your desire grow stronger every day.

3. After you take a good look at yourself, hear what Mother Nature whispers in your ear about looking for someone of certain looks and physical features that suits you best. Did you know that soulmates almost look like one another? That soulmates may be so very different in appearance but still so alike? What makes them look alike, you may ask, if he is dark haired and she is blonde, or if she is black and he is white? There is that certain something named chemistry which makes them get connected and harmonize their everything: mimics, gestures, reactions. So before you get yourself connected, make a mental picture of your potential soulmate in every single detail of its appearance and all you have to do is recognize him/her when you look around! It is very important to know exactly the way you want it to be.

4. I can hear some of you saying that things are not easy as they seem to be, because matching is a complex scenario. I am telling you that things are difficult only when we do not know what we want and don’t have enough faith that nature will work for us and solve the complexity of matching scenario: habits, hobbies, humour, sharing the same values, location, background. Concentrate on the solution of the matter not on the issue itself, do your part of the job faithfully and do not worry.

5. Obviously that none of us wants to become haunted, obsessed by an ideal of love that never shows up, right? That’s why you have to cut the belt, free your mind of your desire (which has already put to work the invisible engines of the Universe, believe it or not !) and do your usual stuff.

6. And here comes the tough part, waiting! Wait for a while and let nature take action for how long as it takes. Take into account that you have already helped nature with your faith and your strong action. It’s a mutual thing. In love, as in everything, you get what you give.

7. Finally , let me share a secret with you. Don’t tell anyone you are about to meet your soulmate. The deepest desires must not be shared until they come true. Any interfering may disturb you from keeping a good image from yourself, letting your desire grow stronger, picturing in mind your soulmate, staying focused on what you have to do, letting your mind free and waiting faithfully.

Bar advice. You will know when it happens. It's like.... Magic!

Monday, May 7, 2007


Let's be honest. No woman really wants to be alone for the rest of her life. But does being alone mean you're doomed to be miserable forever? Definitely not! And does being single have to equal lonely? No way! You can have the best time of your life when you're single, but you wouldn't know that from our relationship obsessed society, where celebrity magazines devote the majority of their content to who's dating whom and the wedding industry is a $100-billion business. Yet more than a third of marriages end in divorce, and countless other couples languish in unions that shouldn't have happened in the first place.

Bar advice. Don't become a statistic. Love yourself and never settle!

Being single till love comes along

Our planet is brimming with lots of people; undeniably though, finding true love can be considered a risky business. Love is supposed to be a beautiful feeling with lots of happy thoughts emanating from the whole package of being in love, so why is finding true love considered a difficult challenge?

Most of us grew up with some fairy tale story about how a poor girl finds love with a handsome prince or a movie like Sinbad, where he gets the Maharajahs daughter. When we have seen shows or read books like that when we are young and our mom is sobbing at the end of the show because they lived happily ever after, we think that life is just like that. We wait and nothing happens. People don't really seem to bother at first when they're still young but when the mid thirties and forties creep on them, the panic starts to rattle slowly. You end up dealing with parents that want to match make you. Maybe even friends or colleagues that have brothers that you just assume kiss a frog than shake his hand.

Is finding love really so hard though? Or do we just make it hard? Finding love is not hard, but sometimes it takes a long time. So if you are single now then you are likely going go be single for awhile.Why? you got to open your heart to want to let someone love you. All material things, looks, race and more can be put aside or compromised to suit each the mean time you're still single.

Here are some advantages of being single:

1. You are independent.
Basically you can do what you want when you want. You don't have to wait, you don't have to ask, you can just go.

2. More time when you're single.
You don't have to sit around doing nothing. Want to go to the bar? Want to join the hiking club? Play an instrument? How about taking salsa lessons? Want to take a course? Learn a new hobby? Go for a holiday? Sleep with someone you met? Who's stopping you?

3. No need to deal with a partners personal habits.
You can sleep without listening to someones snoring and hog all the blankets all the time and nobody cares. You don't have to pick up after anyone but yourself. And you don't even have to pick up after yourself if you don't want to.(Don't do that when you're with someone or he'll think you're a slob). You can prance around naked at home if you like. Give your patience a well-deserved break.

4. You can be spontaneous.
Be daring! Do what you want when you want to and who cares if you don't get to dinner until midnight? Do something out of the ordinary, without having to get permission first or calling ahead. This is freedom!

5. Focus on your career.
You can channel your energy into your work. Without a relationship, you have a lot more time. Put in those extra hours and impress your boss, or take on new projects.

6. You are your own boss.
Relationships need compromise and you don't always get your own way. Both people in a relationship have to give something up for the greater good of the relationship. Do what you want and treat yourself more? Selfishness is good for the soul(in small doses) but when we get married we do everything for the family. We sacrifice work, freedom, money, self and more for partner and even children. You have to know what you are seeking deep in your heart.

Don't stress! That special someone is out there and you can and will find them. It just takes time. For some it's later for others it was a mistake. The rest are coping. It's true. Isn't it?

In the meantime, enjoy being single for a while. In fact, if you can't be happy being single, you will never be happy with your soul mate! Kind of like rich and poor. There are lots of poor people who are happy and lots that are unhappy. Same with rich people. Lots are happy and lots are unhappy. Now what do you think would happen if we took a poor person who was unhappy, and gave them lots of money? Guess what? They would probably be happy for a short time, but it wouldn't last and eventually they would be just as unhappy as they were.

Ever wonder why that is? Being happy comes from inside of you not outside. OK, you are single; enjoy yourself and that special person will come along before you know it!

Bar advice. For those that are parents now with children. Change the fairy tale stories a little to emphasise the realities of the modern world but remind them of the oldest and most cherished thing. Love.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Waxing videos

Just to show how silly and painful this stuff can be. Also, because this girl looks like Kat in this one.

Check out these girls trying this for the first time. Ladies, this is what you can expect. Take a look at their faces.

Bar advice. This is really up to the individual. Do it or don't. All I know is I can't wait for next Saturday for the next topics.

Info about body waxing

I scrapped up some info about body waxing. Well, waxing of all areas actually. Waxing is more effective than shaving because it removes hair from the roots and not just from the skin's surface.

Hair in waxed areas re-grows lighter and more sparse and slower. After your first wax, the results can last 4 to 6 weeks depending on the individuals hair re-growth. In most cases, hair growth is minimal during the first week or two and noticeably increases in the third and fourth week at which point you should be thinking of making another appointment. Failure to do so will only make your hairs longer and the next session will not be easier than the first. Your body adjusts with continued waxing so each session becomes less painful and is finished more rapidly.

People have varying pain thresholds. Ladies coming for Brazilian and full bikini are recommended not to come whilst you are menstruating or in the few days leading up to this time as it is a very sensitive time where all feelings are heightened. Do not come for a wax if you are extremely hung over, generally the body is then dehydrated and the pores tend to be tighter. It is therefore also advise that even if not hung over to ensure that you are not dehydrated anyway.

Some places do not recommend waxing for persons suffering from diabetes or who have varicose veins or poor circulation as they are more susceptible to infection. Most do not experience reactions beyond redness and minor irritation. Hair may break at the root during waxing, causing some hairs to grow out faster. Avoid the sun immediately after waxing and wear sun screen; recently waxed areas are prone to hyper pigmentation (permanent darkening of the skin) if exposed to the sun. Avoid heavy exercise, saunas, steam rooms, whirlpools and other heated sources for at least 48 hours. Do not use exfoliating products, body brush or a loofah after waxing. Avoid tight clothing after waxing, especially in the waxed areas. Tight clothing may result in irritation and ingrown hairs.

Routine waxing helps the skin get accustomed to the procedure and may minimize irritation Unfortunately, no shower or oral sex for 10 hours after a Brazilian, sac 'n crack or full Monty. All areas of the body that have been waxed should be cleaned with a body brush on a daily basis and moisturised.

Those of you that haven't done this before, see what you have to go through to have this done. I can just imagine the guys doing theirs. Men probably shave it but some may wax. Why? If this is the torture you have to go through than why do it? Maybe the guy has a hot ass chick that wants it like that and if he doesn't then she's going to find someone else. Women may say that it's more hygienic and less hassle if they want to get into certain clothing, wear certain lingerie or a bikini. That's fine but some six weeks down the line it's back to the start all over again.

Bar advice. Now that I have uncovered the gruelling details into this, I still have to shout out, "Any women that wants the shave and massage treatment, just comment here". That includes Kat, that little pus....meow.