Monday, November 5, 2007

Making a first date a good one

This is more for the guys really but it also applies to ladies on certain points. When you're out on that first date, it's a mindset at the very first appearance in front of the other, you'll either sink or swim.

The way you approach, greet, talk and lead is going to make a girl feel comfortable with you. Women sometimes need to give the guy a little break because most guys are nervous when it comes to dating. Being on a first date makes everyone a little dumb and clumsy. Can you imagine the guy trying to pull your chair out at the table to sit and letting you slip on the floor instead of sliding it back in for you? Disaster big time.

Another thing will be having the meal. It's no big deal to order something you're familiar with than ordering something on the menu that sounds nice but taste like crap later and makes you go to the toilet every ten minutes. For a guy it may not be bad but for a girl going in the loo with her high heals and dress, disaster again.

What to say on the first date? You know what most guys do, they ask the same thing that the woman heard before. Once again calamity in the works. How? By making it boring. Flooding it with common and mundane topics. Such "yawn topics" include "Do you like your job?" "What does you parents do?" "What hobbies do you have?" She'll answer but her mind goes mostly "Zzzzzzzz..." By now she must be thinking this is not just your first date but your only date you ever had.

No one likes to answer predictable questions from dates gone by. A guy needs to stand out from the rest of the wolf pack. Something a guy can do is take time to read some women magazines. Be it your sister's or from the doctors office. Check out what's the latest gossip. You could also go online to check celebrity news or Hollywood drama. These things sometimes helps especially when it involves her favorite stars. The conversation becomes lively and heated, not in anger, but with lustful imagination and sexy, playful thoughts. Ask her who she likes best and if you got some stuff on him, use it to stimulate her inner feelings. It will surface and you benefit from her hormones. The quiet evening will become a rock concert.

Possibly, if you know her interest before hand, gather info on her interest then research it so you have something to chat about. You also got to let her do some talking and you some listening.

You got to end the evening with something to make her want to go out with you for another date. What to say? Tell her you want to cook her dinner and watch movies with the same celebrity you were just talking about for your next date. You could also tell her you want to go dancing on the next date and tell her she can't say No because you won't be able to take her strolling by the beach on the third one. These planed and thoughtful things will get her off guard and pleasantly surprised by a different sort of guy that she's never been with before. You'll be amazed to find that she's the one calling you to say goodnight on the phone; an indicator that she's thinking of you.

Women sometimes like a guy but just won't say it so the guy tends to feel pressured to end the date quickly before, and I'll say it again, disaster strikes. He'd rather save whatever self esteem he still has and head for the hills, so to speak. At this point I must say that women are the ones that sometimes don't know what to do. They expect the guy to know and do everything all the time so he has to do all the moves to succeed but in reality she should try to make the situation a little more pleasant as well and not so stressful. What harm can it do to meet a guy half way in the date. He'll sense it as well and knows that you placed some effort in it. This will make him more at ease and your date will be all the more fun.

Bar advice. Dating is suppose to be fun. Not a chore that needs the approval of another or you'll be going on"first dates" for a long time to come and never get to the second, third or more.


What can I say? Faults, we all got them. These faults can be something psychical, in our character, what we say, our behaviour or how we work. There's also the strengths and weaknesses that we have in dealing with others like family, friends and the relationship were in.

Stop what you're doing right now and go look at yourself in the mirror. Do you like what you see? At times I don't. If you say you do then great but most will agree with me that they would rather change something that they see as an imperfection. Why? It's just that people want to be seen the way they want others to see them so what they were born with is never good enough. Look at the women that go for beauty pageants. Do you think they got there because they were born like that? Most had stuff done before they joined the pageant. For some the mirror is a friend. For others it's their worst nightmare.

Lets look at what we are like inside. Everyone has faults in their character and being. How they behave and what they do can make the most handsome man or beautiful woman look ugly. Kindness and gentleness towards others sometimes seems soft and wimpy to some. It doesn't go well in the business and that's why a lot of women have a though time in the corporate world. Being shy won't land you that job. Gossiping about others will label you a bitch. Doing whatever the boss says makes you a "yes" man. Taking on extra works puts you in bad light with others because they think you're over ambitious. No one will talk to you because they think you're in cahoots with the boss.

Even going to lunch can be difficult. People start to criticize everything about you and even make fun about your clothes, the way you eat, the way you talk or what your hairstyle is like. If you're a woman it gets worse when all the other ladies are gossiping rumours about an affair that never happened but someone tarnished your reputation by making stuff up. They talk about your short shirt, low cleavage blouse, your shoes or your flirting (made up) with male colleagues. Guys have to worry about their language and comments with their female counterparts or find a sexual harassment complaint go up to the boss. Are all these faults that need correcting? Who is really at fault here?

In a relationship it can get really bad as well. Some people end up in divorce because the person they marry turns out to be a monster in disguise. You ask, "what happened to that sweet boy that brought me flowers?" or " why is this girl stuffing her face with so much food everyday that she now looks like a watermelon?" We find that the person we went out with and the person we live with are from different planets. Some live like slobs and expect everyone to pick after them even after marriage. Some like to cut their toenails on the bed or pick their nose and flick the booger out the window. They forgot that they had individual lives before. The smallest of things eventually adds up and divorce or a break up happens. All this is just what happens at home. Can you imagine going out in public?

All these faults are just the tip of the iceberg. There's some far worse than this. We all got them. We're not perfect and we can never be. However, we can change ourselves. Habits and life choices can be altered. We sometimes forget that others see us differently and we don't see all these faults till it's pointed out to us. Take the advice from good friends or love ones and you might just find a huge change in your life.

Bar advice. The seven deadly sins are the extreme ends of this but there are people that have them. Stay clear of these ones.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

What happened to the sex?

What happened to the sex? Over time, without careful attention, sex can become routine and then fade from a relationship, sometimes altogether. Consider that the average couple has sex once a week. How does that bode for the slightly below average, or worse, those on the bottom of the fulfilling sex life scale?

While doing it less than ten times a year is the "technical" qualification for a celibate relationship, the reality is, if you're concerned about the infrequency of sex in your pairing, it's time to address the issue before it gets too late.

Sex is a normal, healthy part of human existence despite societal hang ups and prudishness. Intolerance for sexuality, sexual desire and sexual preference is ignorant and shows a fundamental lack of understanding of the human body. That doesn't mean anyone who has hang ups about sex is bad or wrong. We live in a culture that simultaneously demonizes and glorifies all things sex related. As such, it's no wonder so many of us are confused about the acceptability of our urges and what sex should truly be.

We do have to consider religious views of this subject but most people don't have a problem with sex. Certain things may be taboo but the individual has to want sex with their partner. If you want to have a healthy relationship, one that is satisfying for both partners and complete in its scope, it's time to face your issues and work through them or move on. Sex is the glue that holds a romantic love relationship together. Period. Take it away and when the tough times come, it'll be a whole lot harder to stand up together and power through them. It'll also be a lot harder to remain amicable and avoid resentment. We're human beings and when we're healthy, we need sex. It's actually good for us.

So what do you do if you're in a sex free relationship? As with most things in life, it's crucial to come to a place of understanding. If you look back over the time you've been with your partner, can you place where the sex stopped? Was it simple and clear cut or was it gradual? Was it the result of sexual differences or the product of a series of stressful situations. Did one or the other of you decide you "just didn't feel like it," until that became the status quo? These things tend to happen to married couples more but it can also happen to singles especially those that have been together for a long time. If the fire of making love is dwindling, you better do something soon.

You should consider how long you've been together. Monotony between the sheets is pretty common in a long term relationship or marriage and the investment is such that it's worthwhile to put in the effort to fix things. But if you've only been together a few months and you find yourself looking elsewhere or not looking at all, how much is it really worth to turn things around? Can that even be done? Is it possible you're just not the right match? It's hard to face, but it happens. Chemistry is complicated and you can't beat yourself up for that. You can simply address the issue and move on. While it may be tough in the moment, when you're in a successful, physically intimate and fulfilling relationship down the road, you'll know you made the right decision.

Whatever answers thoughtful analysis brings you, it's also vital not to blame yourself or your partner. Relationships are a two way street and both of you may have allowed this behavior to continue. That said, accepting responsibility for your role in the situation may do a lot toward remedying it, if that's what you both want to do. If you can approach your partner with an honest apology for your part in letting things get to this point, they're going to be more likely to reciprocate and to work with you to get things back on track in the bedroom. However, understand this, if you're not having sex, the problems most likely extend beyond the closed doors of your boudoir.

While it's possible that your sex free zone has arisen out of physical problems (if you or your partner are experiencing prolonged diminished desire, it's worthwhile to speak to a doctor), these situations often present a chicken or the egg conundrum. In other words, did you stop feeling desire first or did something happen to decrease your desire? No matter the situation, only you can decide if or when it's time to leave. Many sexual problems can be resolved with effort and dedication. There are some schools of thought that say "fake it til you make it" and the desire will come back. How you choose to handle it is up to you but remember this, accepting less than what you want in a relationship sends the sign that you're willing to settle and a lifetime without sex is a whole lot more compromise than it's worth.

Bar advice. Making love with someone you're in love with is suppose to be the best there is and cannot be expressed into words what the heart is feeling. If you don't have this feeling, you're in trouble.


Monday, October 29, 2007

ABC Primetime Special (Mystery Method)

I just got this about help that you can find from the Mystery method. Take a look at what they say and maybe you can get on board this to improve your chances with the women.

Here's another one as well. Also go to the website.

Bar advice. I don't know the full work but I can see that this guy has done his research and can help you with getting started in the right direction.

Meeting the fairer sex

For most guys, meeting girls at clubs is difficult for them. They prefer to meet girls at bookstores, malls, coffee shops, and other daytime "low pressure" venues but meeting girls at clubs can actually be far easier than at daytime venue.

I know that can sound counter intuitive. After all, at a club you have to deal with loud music that can be difficult to talk over, distracting lights, competition from other guys, and girlfriends of the girl you want to know. Worse still, if you go alone you don't know anyone else while it looks like everyone else is having fun. It makes you stick out like a soar thumb.

Even if you go with your friends they're no help either because all they do is stand immobilized by hesitation with a beer at their chest and know next to nothing about picking up girls anyway. Has the following ever happened to you? You walk into the club, checking out how "good" it is. You walk around the entire club to check it out. You don't know anyone, and you don't have anything to do, so you walk around again checking out all the girls. You get bored. Perhaps you get a drink. You walk over to the dance floor and stare at it.

Of course, 20 other guys are also staring at the dance floor. Like a master bed in the center of a master bedroom, the dance floor commands attention. It is very hypnotic because it draws all the people to it. You nurse your beer and eventually decide to walk around the club again. Nothing happens so you decide that the club
"sucks" and then you eventually leave to find a better place.

The problem is, this kind of behavior is the exact opposite of what you should do, because by wandering around you convey certain negative information to girls that shoots down your chances before you even make an approach. When you circle around a club, women notice that you're alone. Most won't label you a "lone psycho" but they've make a mental note that you're alone and therefore lack any social value. Women give you social value by how hot the women and men you're with are.

But most guys walk around the entire club multiple times alone, collecting negative social value the entire time. Think about it. When you first walk into the club, the girls know nothing about you. You could be Justin Timberlake's best friend for all they know. This is your chance to shape their blank impression of you but what do most guys do?

They instantly go about setting a negative impression of themselves by walking around the room and staring at the dance floor. This is what all the guys who have no social value do. So then, if and when you do approach a hot girl, she lacks interest in you because she's already categorized you, all thanks to your actions. Thus, most guys give up on clubs because they're "too hard" but it's not that clubs are "too hard". It's that you're doing them all wrong.

Making clubs or bars work for you is easy. In fact, meeting hot girls at clubs is easier than at other places and you can make them work just as well as if you go with friends or if you go alone. You just have to know what to do. Here are the steps you could use.

When you first walk into the club, SMILE. A lot of women watch the door to size up the guys coming in. Remember, as you walk in your social status is a "blank slate" and you want to be immediately shaping a good first impression. Just don't grin like you shot your face with botox and can't move it.

As soon as you're in, try talking to the first available set of girls or set of girls and guys. Don't look for a lone girl, you won't find her. You'll want to talk to two girls or a guy and a girl which are much easier to find. There. It immediately looks like you have friends. It doesn't matter if the set goes particularly well other women will notice that you're with other girls. They will immediately peg you with social value because they have no idea that you've only just met these girls. Some may opt to go to the bar counter but if you can start up a conversation with someone, it's better than standing there all alone.

Avoid looking at the dance floor like the plague. The dance floor is naturally hypnotic and will naturally draw you in. I know the girls are there but don't look at it. There is nothing there. It is an illusion. Looking at the dance floor only generates NEGATIVE social proof for you. Second, avoid walking around. You only look a like a valueless loner when you do this. Also, if you've built up any positive social proof in one corner of the club, you'll lose it all if you move to another corner. Third, avoid the noisiest areas of the club. Find the quietest area where it's easiest to talk and plant yourself there. You don't want to be yelling over ear breaking noise and most clubs do have a quiet corner or two.

Remember, you walk in with zero social proof, with a clean slate. Everything you do will either up your status or lower it. Everything you do signals women to categorize you as a "loner" or as a "sexy guy". Now the question is, how do you start talking to girls in a club situation? What are good opening lines? After all, I can tell you that you need to approach women right away, but that does you little good unless you know what to say to them. We can cover that another time.

Bar advice. Always remember that women are constantly on the prowl for a guy as well. They size you up the moment they lay eyes on you.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Le Femme. La Chicka

Last week Thursday a gorgeous woman came to the bar. I thought she may have been Spanish but I later got to find out that she was Mexican on her father's side and French on her mother's side. What a combination of Le femme(french) and La chicka(Spanish). Her looks were more to the Mexican side because she wasn't blond.

I got to talking to her at the bar because she came alone. She flew there because she came to visit her sister that works in the French embassy. She spoke to me in fairly good English but with a french accent. I was quite captivated with her because she was also very bubbly and cheerful. After several beers, I got her to open up about why she was really there so far from home.

In a nutshell, she sort of wanted to distance herself from home due to domestic issues. Her man was two, or should I say, ten timing her. She got to this subject because I told her that I blog so she opened up to me. I gave her my advice and it was true that I heard of stories like hers before but hers was a bit more sad. I won't say why but that's the gist of it. We talked about it for a while and she was very open to suggestions and advice as well. In the end we just kept drinking till I closed the bar.

Later I took her to my friends bar for a few more beers. She was apprehensive to go at first but willing after I convinced her that I was no "killer". She actually stated that it was just for "enjoyment" that she was going for. I sensed that she was just feeling lonely, hurt and just needed company to feel good about herself. I liked her because she was hot. We had great chemistry going and I didn't want to lose out like I did with the Japanese girl two weeks before. This one had a hotel room to go to later.

We then proceeded to another bar that was below my friends bar because he closed early on weekdays. We were still drinking beer but we had a few tequila shots as well. The music was louder because there was dancing. Whenever we wanted to talk we had to move closer to each other's face and at times when we tried to talk at the same time we faced the odd mouth to mouth instead of the mouth to ear position. You know what I mean? Anyway, at one point I just wanted to kiss her because she let me place my hand on her thigh and we sat so close to each other. Plus, she smelt so good.

After a while it finally happened. Just as I said, we ended up in a mouth to mouth position while talking and we finally locked lips. We just moved into each other. It was one of the most slow seductive kisses that I have ever had. Also, she had this incredible soft tongue. I only ever had one other girl like that before. I had forgotten that till I kissed her that night. I think we both were looking forward to it after flirting the whole night and drinking. Later I got the bill and we were off to her hotel.

Making love to her was a dream come true. It was like a fantasy of me being with Bridget Bardot and Jennifer Lopez at the same time. Three of us in fantasy but in reality just two. What a night. I left her at six in the morning because she needed sleep as she was leaving the next day and checking out at noon. When I got back I started to think about the things that I write in this blog and some of the advice that I give out to guys trying to get girls and such. This was just one of the things that could have happened to another guy and he'd be regretting for all time that he never stepped up and lost out on getting the girl.

Not to say that a one night stand is something to be proud of but when two people know that this is exactly what the other one needs and wants or that nobody is about to move to the others country and start a relationship; no harm done. We were both mutual consenting adults in need of the others presence and pleasure. Relationships can sometimes be short and sweet.

Bar advice. A women, beautiful or not, picks and chooses who she wants and what she wants. Her choice here was just someone that listened to her but was fun enough to make her smile and laugh again.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Free Monthly Income

I just came across a new marketing campaign that MIM has put together and I have to say it is one of the most innovative campaigns I have seen in a very long time. I have a feeling that this thing is going to take off and turn into a huge viral explosion. One that we will all remember for a long time!

FREE Hosting
FREE Domain
Free List builders
Builds Site For You & Drives Traffic
Adds Content,Videos,Affiliate Links

This very quickly gets into the nuts and bolts of exactly how  to accomplish the task of giving so many people a monthly income.  It automatically generates affiliate sites, monetizes links & shares content in one place.
It has built in systems such as Analytic report systems and Comment systems etc..

It's a pretty cool idea really. In essence no other places can you find this and the extent this delivers.

It's an interesting campaign that you may as well sign up for. Or, just take a look at the video NOW!!!

Click HERE!

Bar Advice. If you have always tried to make some money online and just don't know how, well here it is.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Being a gentleman gets you the girls

Yes that's right. You want to be a gentleman in small ways and do small courtesies for her. Like opening and closing the car's passenger side door for her to get in or holding the door open for a woman and allowing her to walk through first. How about allowing the woman to step off the elevator first before you do. If she's wearing a genuinely nice dress or an interesting accessory, to compliment her on it. Also listening to her, genuinely listening to her when she has something to say.

Now notice that none of these small courtesies have anything to do with money. By being chivalrous, you are not attempting to buy her affections. Instead, you're showing her courtesies that she would expect any guy with a good heart to show all women, regardless of whom the woman was or her looks. After all, wouldn't you hold the door open for your grandmother or help her down the steps? Wouldn't you genuinely listen to what your best friend had to say?

Chivalrous behavior shows to a woman that you have a side of you that is of a refined gentleman. It's your protective side the side of you that would look after her if she got sick and be there to feed her chicken soup. Well maybe she hates chicken but you get the point. She'll know that you'll be there for her.

Chivalrous behavior demonstrates to a woman that you have social intelligence that you act appropriately in different social situations. For example, if she found herself at the Presidential Ball with you, she would know you could hold your own with the suit wearing elites and wouldn't act like some foul mouthed jackass. If she introduced you to her parents she would know you wouldn't slap her ass in front of her dad or crack dirty jokes in front of her mom.

Of course, being chivalrous in small ways doesn't mean being careful and conservative about how you act around women. Chivalry doesn't mean becoming a boring stiff who is always worried whether he's acting in the right manner. Also, chivalry doesn't mean "Knightly Chivalry" where you ride in on a white horse, recite poems, and sprinkle rose pedals around her feet like she's Queen Guinevere. Being chivalrous isn't the same as being wishy-washy "nice".

For example, after helping her out of the car, you might make a funny face at her. A few minutes after holding her hand down some steps you might start a tickling match with her. After noticing her new dress makes her look sexy, you might give her a playful slap on the ass. The key is to be relaxed, playful and fun and punctuate it with chivalric behavior.

Surprise her by showing how much a gentlemen you can be at moments, and how much a gentleman you are to ALL women including your friends, relatives, and even total strangers. You may hit her by surprise in the back of the head gently with a pillow or call her a "dork" in a teasing kind of way, but you also help old ladies across the street. When she hear others complementing how much of a chivalrous guy you are, she'll see you with different eyes.

Remember, you want her to think that you're a good guy with a good heart, not a wet noodle of a "nice guy" who will do anything for her no matter how badly, rudely or childish she acts. Small acts of courtesy will get you farther in this respect than any number of large gifts.

A lot of guys think that they have to buy their way to a woman's heart or at least have enough money, looks, cars, profession, and so on to win a woman's affections. For those that don't have these, what do you do? A woman will stick by you through thick and thin if you possess true manly qualities that SHE desires.

Bar advice. Following the example of "James Bond" in movies, you can sense that he's seen by all the women as the sort that they desire. Take that as an example of chivalry and courtesies.