Sunday, April 15, 2007

Chasing Bars

Bar Advice. Thought I would start off to today with a little humour about 3 Doors Down song "Chasing cars" that was humourously changed to "Chasing Bars".The you tube video is silly and funny but a lot of us have done this at one time or another. Well maybe some of us.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Career and relationships

While you’re soaring with the eagles at work, things are about as low as they can get on the home front. This is a quandary many people before you have had, but within the situation is an opportunity to evaluate life.

Often it takes a relationship breakdown of divorce proportions to force us to stop and take stock of the meaning and direction of our life.

We also know that “love” is one of the pillars of our life. We also know it’s not logical to be working as hard and as long as we do, creating all the money and success imaginable only to end up alone and unable to share all the fruits with the one you love the most.

What the successful career, rocky relationship situation provides you with though is an opportunity to evaluate. Let me explain.

Life is about purpose. You, within your life purpose, above everything else, are striving for happiness and in order to help you evaluate your situation I have a few questions for you that takes you right to the heart of the matter.

Are you happy “with you” in your relationship?
Are you happy with your partner in the relationship?
Do you still want the relationship?
Are you still in love today with that person?
Can the relationship be salvaged? If so, how?

Are you using work to hide from something at home? Children; in-laws; step-children, the pain of a family death; something your partner said to you months ago that hurt and you never let go of it?
Are there pressures at home that could be worked out with a different strategy i.e. outside help, like coaching or counseling?

Do you love your work more than your partner?
Do you change into a different person that you don’t like when you cross the threshold, or when you turn into the street?

Many situations can be worked out if you want to work them out. In the short term talking or working together can work, but you must be careful that you don’t just stick a plaster over what appeared to be a small wound only for it to reopen again later.

One of the ways to avoid this is to strip down your life in order to rediscover your self. Doing this will make you happy, not just for an hour or a day, but for life. The truth will set you free.

People who have been in successful careers, rocky relationships are using this situation to reevaluate their meaning and direction in life. They’re doing it and finding they’re now mastering more than just the career pillar, but the relationship one too.They are growing into stronger, fitter, happier people. Do you want to join them?

Bar advice. Work on the relationship. If you've been in it a long time, stop and think for a moment. Lots of relationships go up and down. Seek help if you have to but don't let the ship sink if there's something you can do to keep it afloat.

ChickMagnet 101

Bar advice. This is a really good way to get some knowledge of what's going on with flirting by women. Guys can listen and learn secrets easily.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tokyo Girl Downunder

Bar advice> Well worth the read at this award winning blog.

Flirting 101& How to Attract Anyone, Anytime, Anyplace

Flirting 101
This is an insightful read for those who want to learn how to flirt, how to charm people, and/or how to read people better. The book is a quick and enjoyable read. It goes into how to charm all different types of people and mentions the differences (visual, auditory, etc.) and how to recognize these and still charm them. It has some good examples on how to make good impressions on people just by simple little acts like asking questions rather than talking about yourself, or when making a point touch their elbow for a strong effect. So far I've put quite a few of the practical tips to use and have gotten excellent results.

How to Attract Anyone, Anytime, Anyplace
Guys, especially, can learn a lot from this book. It's full of helpful hints for those of us who are shy or not naturally outgoing, and it provides some insight into the female value system - so often such a mystery to men. Well worth the read.

Bar advice. I recommend this for a fun read that can be insightful, even to a seasoned flirter. There's lot's of help out there for people and lot's of hope as well.

Flirting tips

How to flirt without really flirting.

Most people are not comfortable to speak to strangers and that is why it is not appreciated if you just start a conversation with almost anyone. That is why in airports, on planes and trains, and in other public places it is hard to indulge in small talk for most of us but if you take the right approach, you can successfully meet new people, even make friends and the best of all, flirt. The beauty of a lot of these encounters is that you can go a bit further simply because you know that you probably will not meet with the same person again.

Techniques for women to make the first move.

Smile. It works since it is a great ice-breaker and makes you look approachable. Almost all men are won over by this. Glance at him or even keep a fixed gaze on him.

If you are close to him, brush up against him. Men treat it as a positive sign of acceptance. If you are in a group, show special interest in him, ask questions and try to move him away from the group.Lick your lips during eye contact. Parade close to him with exaggerated hip movement so that he will notice you and will know that you are interested. Basically it means that sometimes you have to strut your stuff.

Ask for his help with something. Remember how girls would drop their books in college when they wanted the guy to come to help and break the ice. Do not play hard to get.Guys tend to brand women like that as bitches.

Techniques for men to make the first move.

Lots of good eye contact. Women always look at guys directly in the eye. Lots of smiles, compliments, and nice gestures. Try to move physically closer but be careful. You do not want to be overly aggressive but you do want to show your interest in physical intimacy. Maybe you can hold her at the waist when in conversation.

Show interest in her. Ask a lot of questions about her and maintain eye contact all the time. Follow-up questions helps as well. Keep talking about yourself to a minimum level. Just throw in a point here and there just to make sure that she does not think that you have nothing to talk about. If you don't know the subject you should say so. Don't pretend like you do and get caught flat footed when a question is being asked about the topic. It will make you look stupid and she's going to know it. Remember the saying which goes something like this. "You make look like a fool but if you open your mouth it will confirm it".

Bar advice. Play the game. You got to sense it with that person. Try harder. Make the effort to go that extra distance. Make time the bench mark. You must give yourself certain periods of the day or night a fixed target to achieve what your plan is. Even if it's a first time meeting with someone, come up with a impromptu one. What have you got to loose?

Monday, April 9, 2007

Don't limit yourselves guys.

The success of any encounter with a woman depends on a series of factors, but, undeniably, the most important one is the mental component. A mentally strong person is surrounded by a powerful charisma and will find the dating game a lot easier to play than an insecure person.

Now don’t get nervous. You don’t have to have nerves of steel to score with women. Instead you can learn how to use your nervousness to your advantage and transform it into the fuel needed on the "battlefield".

“Yeah right,“ you say. But what happens when your heart starts pumping like crazy and your voice and hands shake every time you approach a girl?

First of all you should know (know it and believe it) that it is all in your mind. You are your own worst enemy telling yourself that you can't do it, that you're not good enough or that she would never be with someone like you. Instead of sabotaging yourself try to have a more positive attitude. It will make you seem more confident and therefore more attractive.In order to be successful you have to project self confidence and strength. But how can you pose as a successful man when inside your head there is this voice that keeps telling you that you're actually a loser?Strength comes from within so there is where it all starts.

Imagine the successful completion of your objective before you approach a woman, or even head out the door. Know exactly what you want to achieve both short term and long term with women.Set achievable goals.

Ex. I am coming home with one or more women’s phone numbers.

Ex. I am having sex with an attractive woman tonight.

Imagine the whole scenario. Picture the successful completion of your objective then work backwards.What did you need to do to reach that objective? Does it mean dressing a little differently?

Maybe do a search online for great jokes or pick up lines? Women love men that make them laugh.Plan on a different kind of club than you normally go to? If you are interested in an upscale girl, then the local pub may not provide what you are looking for.Dating attractive, intelligent women takes planning.

Bar advice. Know what you want, create a strategy and go after her. If you need more help than talk to someone or get help books.

Chasing Cars ( Grey's Anatomy Special)

Bar advice. Those that have seen Grey's Anatomy will know it. What it shows as well is the pain, troubles, difficulties and daily struggles that people go through to make it in the world. Sometimes we can't do it by ourselves. Sometimes we need to reach out.