Monday, September 3, 2007

Sex when getting older

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Princess Diana. 10 years on.

I really don't want to mention much about the subject but I thought that we still need to remember her in many ways. What did you think of her? One thing that we don't know too much is the fact that Diana was a great mother.

I just hope that she has finally found peace and is in a better place that we all long for. Some people in this world don't deserve to die at such a young age but death comes to us all. We just don't know the day and time.

As we remember Princess Diana, 10 years on, the most photographed woman in the world is no longer here and her boys are coming of age. Soon they will be dating and thinking of marriage. Will another princess be hounded all over the globe like her when her sons marry?

Bar advice. Diana is still one of many that are in the limelight of the media. What would you do if you were in her shoes? Run or fight?

Long distance love

If you're contemplating embarking on romance from afar - or are already in the throes of if, don't stress. Whether or not the relationship works is up to you. It's your willingness to face the facts and make the most of them. Let's start with the good news.

While you may find yourself wanting to spend more time with your sweetie than the distance between you affords, you'll also find yourself growing more comfortable in your own skin. If the relationship is a good one. Why? Because long distance love gives you plenty of time for yourself, your friends and your family and what better time to strengthen your sense of self than while you're experiencing absence of the other.

Study reveals that women can tell the difference between a family man and a ladies man just by looking at his face! Maybe.

When your heart wants to say yes also consider that the disappearing act many couples pull in the early relationship stages. The one that alienates the people who are close to them, doesn't happen here. Poorly rearranged priorities that wind up setting you back are also skipped.

In other words, you get the rush of new love without sacrificing your individuality, your friends and your family. As anyone who's had an all consuming love affair knows, there's something to be said for that! After all, two strong individuals make the best kind of pair. In long distance love, there's no room for getting lost in the other person or losing yourself.

There is also a prolonged honeymoon stage in a long distance relationship that increases your sense of romance and who can blame you for feeling all warm and fuzzy? There's something storybook,almost fairytale, in the idea that two people can share a love strong enough to overcome distance and live happily ever after, right?
Which brings us to the bad news.

There are plenty of downsides to long distance love, starting, of course, with a shortage of time spent together. However, the single biggest obstacle in this scenario is getting caught up in fantasy. While it may be true that you won't get lost in the other person if you're communicating across time zones, it is still completely possible and incredibly common to get lost in your idea of who the other person is.

Truly getting to know someone across the miles is a difficult task, no matter how good you are at text messaging, emailing and even phone calls. After all, phone sex isn't the real thing any more than phone calls equal intimate dinners. It's easier to keep blinders on when you can't see the object of your affection in the flesh on a regular basis. However, in long distance love, your other senses need to come into play even more than usual. Knowing the difference between your gut instincts and your deepest desires is key. Hearing what you want to hear and projecting your desires onto your far away lover will do nothing but lead to disappointment.

As in any relationship, honesty and authenticity are the orders of the day if you want your relationship to have a chance of surviving the miles. You both need to be open about your intentions, honest about your emotions and happy for, rather than jealous of, your partner having a life while you're apart. This doesn't mean you should settle for them seeing other people (unless that's what you agree to), but petty jealousies and the desire to control your mate's activities when they're in a different locale will do nothing but drive an emotional wedge between you.

Lastly, it's important to remember that long distance can only go on for so long. In other words, if the ultimate intention isn't to find a way to spend more time together, you should really consider if this is the relationship for you or, are you just taking what you think you can get? Only you know what will work for you but set the romantic fantasy aside and be honest with yourself. Isn't the best part of having a life partner actually having a partner present in your life?

Bar advice. Nobody likes to be apart from a love one but when it becomes necessary the core thing would be that trust and love must be strongly anchored in the relationship.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Helping somone in a robbery.

I just closed up the bar last Wednesday night and was on my way to a friends bar that was still open to get a few more beers and basically talk shop while I caught some of the 'eye candy' that works there. Suddenly I heard screaming before I got to the road to get a taxi.

I thought it was just a girl having arguments with her guy or something but the last words I heard her was that her bag was been taken. I saw a guy head off with a white ladies bag in hand but he ran behind a bridge staircase and I thought that it was too late to do anything as I approached.

Fortunately, as he ran towards the main road he came across people that were walking by so he made a U-turn back toward the inner road which I was on. When he saw me he tried to hide the bag behind him but I had a slight glance of him before he dashed off so I knew he was the robber. He was about twenty feet from me when I pointed at him and said to drop the bag. He just raised his hand, palm open facing me, in jesture to tell me to mind my business but I repeated to drop the bag as he got closer. I clinched my fist at this point of time and I could see people standing at the road but did nothing. He looked at the best possible way to run from me and he ducked into the shop area to go around me but I followed and after a few chased steps he flung the bag at me. I did not continue the chase as the lady was there and got her bag back.

The lady was really good looking. She did have a bruised knee from the struggle but didn't want to call the police. I asked why she came through the ally to get to the road at that hour and she said because it was after work. She owns a advertising agency on that street. Then she goes to say that she never had anyone ever try to rob her with a knife. When I heard her say that I was shocked. I never saw a weapon and the robber never produced it when I stopped him. However, to know that my life may have been in danger was sobering. She said she was going to meet friends for a beeer and I told her that I was going to do the same thing. I offered to send her all the way there but she declined.

What was funny to me was the fact that she didn't want me to follow her or help her anymore and actaully said to me politely," you don't have to bring me as I can make it on my own". I asked, not her, what her name was and told her mine then parted ways with her at the corner of the street. This all happened after I was applauded by the people that saw the incident. For her, and her bruised knee, it seemed trivial. Unsure why?

Any appriciative person would be happy to make a new firend. Buy them a beer, get a number or be the first to ask the persons name. This lady seemed to have other things on her mind and lacked any thankfulness or gratefulness. Would she have behaved the same had I gotten her bag back after a knife fight with the robber?

I thought about the whole thing later and concluded that some people are just like that. Still, I would have done the same thing and wouldn't expect anything in return but I hope there are better appriciative people in this world.

Bar advice. It's good to help people if need be but if you're not sure and you feel you're in danger, my advice, abandon the idea. It's nice to be a hero, just don't be a dead one. Material things are not worth loosing your life over..

Little dragon's broken wing

My friend, the girl I call hot ass, came to the bar the other day. She said she fell on her knee at pole dancing practice and needed a small ice pack to put on. She then said that she had to strip down to her 'shorts' before applying it. A good thing that there were just a few customers there because when she took them off it was like underwear.

I thought that she had a shorts on but after the pants came off I was stunned. I assumed that she'd pull one out of the big bag that she normally carries but she just sat on the bar stool and took out a cigarette to smoke. Her other hand held the ice pack in place.

When I asked about the shorts she said that those were it. Confused, I asked what she meant as those looked like undergarments to me but she replied that in the dancing world it was shorts and they preformed in them. My heart liked them but my head told me that I had to do something about it. It seemed a little to inappropriate for the bar.

I got her to come into the bar counter and sit there so she'd be out of all other people's view. This was only till someone came up to the bar counter to pay then they got to see all of her. Those that did also started to ask her what happened but it was more of having a few minutes of extra glances at her than anything else.

I started to joke with her despite her pain with all the moaning she did and she sort of laughed and almost cried at the same time. I went on to say that she was the little dragon with a broken wing because of her zodiac sign. Interruptions by other customers didn't help either and the 'broken wing' was still hurting her.

To add fire to the fuel I said that my desire to catch a better glimpse of her 'hot ass' was finally fulfilled. She smiled when I showed her a picture I took of her from behind to capture her image. Later she called a friend to buy some bandages so it could be wrapped. The friend arrived half and hour later and was also surprised to see her inside the bar area half naked with me present.

After a while we took off the ice pack, let it return to normal temperature then I proceeded to bandage it. I gave her a Chinese liniment to apply first before wrapping the knee so it help to ease the pain. She then tells me that she was going down for more practice in the class below. This Aries/Dragon just could not sit too long.I got a couple of photos of her after that but I had to promise not to add them in this blog so it's not here.

The best part was when I messaged her about her knee, the next day, and got the reply that she was fine. Later that night she stopped by to say hi before heading down for salsa dance practice. What a girl.

Lesson of note is that when someone is comfortable with you they will place a trust in you that even if embarrassed or not they can count on your help. Trust handed to you must also be appreciated. This can be reversed in either a male or female situation.

Bar advice. Personally I think that one should rest an injury before doing more on it because if we tend to push too hard we may end up making it worse. Strong or not.

Harvest moon

A Harvest Moon appears brighter to the eye than any other full Moon. It's the closest full moon to the autumnal equinox, and a traditional symbol of benevolence and fertility. Farmers finished their work in the fields by the light of this Moon. Its appearance, usually toward the end of September(September 26, 2007), marks the beginning of the end of harvest season and the start of a new life cycle.

The symbolic meanings of the harvest moon have been celebrated throughout the ages and across cultures. Its significance as a harbinger of new beginnings hasn't diminished a bit even if harvest time these days is more a feeling than a literal event for most. Indeed, the crispness of autumn inspires a feeling of change and renewal, and the intense, gold-orange shine of the harvest moon seems to lend energy, strength and vitality to those of us basking in its glow!

What changes in your life will accompany the transition from summer to autumn? Take this advice if you're travelling. Weather has been really bad all over the world so take precaution and go online or check conditions before heading out or making plans. Nowadays its hard to know what dangers can happen. I personally think that the second half of the year will end up better. Things will iron out itself and people will start to make the change towrds the winter and Christmas joy. For the moment though, frolic this fall under the harvest Moon.

Bar advice. Keep that chin up. the year is still not over yet and things will become better soon. Belive it and will be.

Monday, August 27, 2007

New beginings

If anyone didn't know yet, well, it's going to be a full moon on Tuesday the 28th of August. The funny thing is that there will also be a lunar eclipse. Plus there is a strange phenomena about the moon turning red. This is going to be screened on the live stream on the Discovery Channel.

The astrologist have also indicated that Pluto, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Mars are all coming near or passing by the moon and sun during this period. On August 11th there will then be a solar eclipse. It looks like there's mystical forces that are going to shake things up in all our lives.

I guess it's good to be a little prepared for what could be either the good or bad that may happen in the coming days. Hopefully all turns out fine. Lets pray that there won't be anymore bad weather as well. We can all do with less rain and floods around the world.

Bar advice. There's going to be changes to peoples lives because of this period. make the best of what comes your way.

Stupid People

What can we say. There are some real nut cases out there. Really stupid people. Things they do and ways they get hurt. Some are accidents but a lot are really dumb.

Bar advice. The only advice that I can give people watching this on You Tube is to use that head of yours before doing some of these stupid things.