Have you ever wondered why some intimate relationships work and others don’t? Why so many of us seem to have the same relationships with a series of different people? Some people can easily find a mate while others struggle. Why? Is there a way you can accelerate the process of uncovering and living your natural loving way and making the relationship last?
The explanation for most vexing relationship questions is actually quite simple. The majority of our relationships, as well as our patterns of relating in general, are based on need rather than love. This is probably no surprise to you. However, it may surprise you that there is something you can do about it. Stop looking for love in all the wrong places.
Most of us are on a quest for love that amounts to trying to fill a leaky cup. Every time we appear to get love from an external source, especially from another person, it merely reinforces the belief that love can be found outside us. So, the feeling of receiving love or approval inherently has "leakage". This includes the fear of losing love, resentment towards the people we feel we need to get it from, and the simple act of looking away from the love that we, by nature, already are. Sometimes it's years of frustration during our youth at home that builds into a swell and when we don't get the love from the external source later or we find that the external source does the same things as home, we are devastated. We ask, "where is love".
Good news. You can turn each of these dilemmas around simply by letting go of wanting love or approval. You can also hasten the process by looking for mutual ways to love, as opposed to getting it, and mutual ways to give love, in addition to receiving it.
If you’re in any kind of an intimate relationship with a life partner, friend, or family member, and you can reach the point where you simply love the other person as he or she is, as best you can, then both of you can relax and be authentic with each other. This promotes much healthier, more satisfactory interactions. A fine example was when Steadman told Oprah that the wig she wore that resembled Tina Turner did not suit her. He said that none of her workers would dare say a thing but he had to because she wasn't Tina. She realized it and even on TV told this story to make a point that love means having the ability to say anything and the other person knows that they will never hurt them. Only help.
If the relationship is to last both sides have to ensure they are honest and truthful to the other. You don't need the approval of your partner on every issue but you need their counsel and concern. So to should you do the same for them in return.
Bar advice.We make mistakes at times but isn't it better to know the other person won't be there to judge you.

The explanation for most vexing relationship questions is actually quite simple. The majority of our relationships, as well as our patterns of relating in general, are based on need rather than love. This is probably no surprise to you. However, it may surprise you that there is something you can do about it. Stop looking for love in all the wrong places.
Most of us are on a quest for love that amounts to trying to fill a leaky cup. Every time we appear to get love from an external source, especially from another person, it merely reinforces the belief that love can be found outside us. So, the feeling of receiving love or approval inherently has "leakage". This includes the fear of losing love, resentment towards the people we feel we need to get it from, and the simple act of looking away from the love that we, by nature, already are. Sometimes it's years of frustration during our youth at home that builds into a swell and when we don't get the love from the external source later or we find that the external source does the same things as home, we are devastated. We ask, "where is love".
Good news. You can turn each of these dilemmas around simply by letting go of wanting love or approval. You can also hasten the process by looking for mutual ways to love, as opposed to getting it, and mutual ways to give love, in addition to receiving it.
If you’re in any kind of an intimate relationship with a life partner, friend, or family member, and you can reach the point where you simply love the other person as he or she is, as best you can, then both of you can relax and be authentic with each other. This promotes much healthier, more satisfactory interactions. A fine example was when Steadman told Oprah that the wig she wore that resembled Tina Turner did not suit her. He said that none of her workers would dare say a thing but he had to because she wasn't Tina. She realized it and even on TV told this story to make a point that love means having the ability to say anything and the other person knows that they will never hurt them. Only help.
If the relationship is to last both sides have to ensure they are honest and truthful to the other. You don't need the approval of your partner on every issue but you need their counsel and concern. So to should you do the same for them in return.
Bar advice.We make mistakes at times but isn't it better to know the other person won't be there to judge you.