Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label exercise. Show all posts

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Can Sex be good for you guys?

Erotic exercise is the best exercise you can give yourself and your partner. Erotic exercise involves the contraction of muscles in your arms, legs and abdomen. This is the same kind of workout you get at a gym. Now which exercise do you prefer?

Sexual exercise will always make sex a lot better and keep you feeling fantastic mentally and physically. Having sex two or more times a week can lower the risk of a heart attack over the course of ten years than men who have sex less often. (2005 Journal Of Epidemiology and Community Health.)

Erotic Exercise will improve your cardiovascular into a better physical condition. This will improve a happier heart.

Frequent ejaculation(April 17th, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association), might help protect your prostate from cancer. Ejaculating regularly could lower risk of cancer because cancer causing substances get flushed out of the body instead of staying in the prostate. Well than makes a lot of sense to me. Guys, please don't go masturbating every day because of this. Save it for the real act of love making.

Sexual activity is a great stress reliever. Satisfying sex can exhilarate a mood to high levels. Orgasm releases tension. Sex is a vigorous form of exercise. Having two or more orgasms every week, you will live a better life than those who only have a orgasm fewer than once a month. How sad is that?

Bar advice. Get going with your Erotic exercise. It doesn't get better than this. Remember. Sex can be good for your health. If you don't want my advice on it, well then, stay away from sex. Which would you rather be doing?

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Things women should know about breast cancer.

Breast cancer is a reality many women will have to deal with. Statistics show that one woman out of nine will develop breast cancer in her life. Whether it be a dear friend, a close family member or herself, every woman will be touched by breast cancer in one way or the other. Breast cancer accounts for about 30% of all cancers.

Recently my cousin and even a friend got it. My mum also died of it so I thought I'd share some stuff to people that need a plan to help themselves. Here are some tips and knowledge.

Every woman should be aware of the risk factors and change those she can to lower her risk of developing breast cancer in her life.

Women who are not active physically, smoke or consume a lot of alcohol are at higher risk to develop breast cancer.

Women who have their first child at a later age or have never given birth are at higher risk to develop breast cancer.

Women who had their first period at an earlier age (less than 12 years old) are at higher risk for breast cancer.

Woman who have close family members who had develop breast cancer are at higher risk for themselves.

Women who are older. The further a woman advances in life, the higher her probability of developing breast cancer.

Women who experience a late menopause (after 55 years old) have an increase risk of developing breast cancer.

There is hope however and certain measures have proven to help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer for a woman. It is recommended to exercise regularly, lose any excess weight, lower alcohol consumption and stop smoking. It is also proven that women who breastfeed their babies are at lower risks to develop breast cancer.

Certain measures, by finding breast cancer at an earlier stage can lower the complication rate and morbidity associated with this condition. The two most recommended measures are to do a mammogram exam every two years after the age of 50 (or earlier if a woman has risk factors) and doing a breast self-examination. It is also recommended for a woman to visit her doctor regularly. One has to know that about two thirds of breast tumours are found by the woman herself upon doing her self-examination.

Bar advice.Many organizations and industries have joined forces to push back breast cancer and one can only encourage them by donating time or money for this worthy cause. There are many researches on breast cancer conducted worldwide and it is expected that the near future will see the decline of this devastating affliction. This is not to scare you but to empower you with this info.