Showing posts with label reduce stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reduce stress. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Asking for help

Why is asking for help so difficult? We need assistance but we just don't reach out. Instead we choose to suffer alone. With individualism running amok, one in four people say they have absolutely no one to confide in. How sad! Our ingrained independence is creating a culture of need and unprecedented isolation. Too many like to show independence in front of the boss or whoever works for them instead.

It doesn't have to be this way. Mastering the "Mayday" is a skill you can learn. Not only will it ease and enhance your life, it can deepen connections, reduce stress, restore energy and remind you that despite your grim determination to endure hardships, you are not alone. Here are simple ways you can seek help.

Ask early and often
Building your mayday muscles requires regular practice. With exercise you can become more comfortable in your requests and when you do ask for help, make sure you articulate. Clarify what you're looking for. From terms to time lines but be careful not to micromanage and don't wait till the last minute either. If you expect that you need help making the bills, don't wait until the end of the month to get assistance.

Faith grounds us heart and soul. Believe that you are not alone and that your needs will be met and you will be able to make your request for help. Your voice won't shake(or at least it will quiver less) and your request will be clear and strong. Rather than being filled with worry, you'll know that your needs will be met. You have the power to manifest.

Remain grateful. Gratitude helps put your need into perspective. When you recognize all the blessings of your life, your need will be in proportion to those blessings. Gratitude will also help you to receive either the "yes" or the "no" response. Also, use the "three thanks" rule. Don't flub the thanks. Express your gratitude three times. When the agreement is struck, when the need has been met and the next time you see your helpmate.

Cast a wide net
Expand your list of helpmates. Look beyond the obvious. Family and friends and add some new names to the list. For instance if you need money to fund a project, keep in mind that there are organizations that are looking for you. When you do gather up the courage to ask for help, be attentive to the subtle cues behind a general "yes" or "no" response. People sometimes like to have more information before parting with their money. Is your potential helpmate willing or reluctant? Be honest with them. Remember, rejection is a part of life.

Intimate partner.
Sometimes we tend to take our partners for granted. We expect them to just drop everything and help us out. Think for a second. Would you, if asked? If the partner is just as busy, stretched out, pressured, over worked or whatever, it makes no sense to start a blow out argument in the relationship with your intimate partner and end up on the losing side. Seeking for help here may receive a "no" response. If it concerns both of you, surely the partner will do whatever is necessary to assist. However, sometimes it's because they don't want to get involved or because they're unable to help. Don't blame but seek alternative help. It's not worth damaging the relationship for something only YOU need help in.

Bar advice. We try to be independent but even the best and brightest people were never able to do it all on their own.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Bring the sunlight into your life.

For those in the northern hemisphere, they are currently in the darkest time of the year. However, after Dec. 21st, the sunlight will grow stronger and stronger. Yet, regardless of the season, dermatologists recommend putting on sunscreen when we are out in the sunshine. Did you know that it is beneficial to get at least fifteen minutes of non screened and unshaded natural light every single day? So, bring the sunlight into your life.

That's right. While we do need to watch our sun exposure and protect ourselves when we are in the sun for long periods of time, our bodies also need full-spectrum natural light on a daily basis. Incandescent lights and fluorescent lights don't produce a sufficient amount of lux (a measurement of light) to provide us with positive health benefits. The most efficient way to reap these benefits is to go outdoors.

Those fifteen minutes a day out in the sunlight can do a lot for your body, including positively affecting your endocrine system, reproductive system, and your circadian rhythms or internal biological clock. Light exposure also boosts your serotonin levels to help you to stay awake and alert. Plus, natural light helps your skin to produce vitamin D, which helps your body absorb the calcium needed for strong bones. Daily exposure to sunlight also helps reduce stress, reduce weight, and improve your mood.

How can you be sure to get those valuable 15 minutes of sunlight on a regular basis? Go outside whenever you can. Enjoy your lunch break out of doors, take a short morning or afternoon walk, or maybe even just sit on the porch to read your morning paper. All of these are excellent ways to safely get the amount of light your body requires. I hope you will think about your daily dose of sunshine and now I hope you will take some time to go over your health issues as well. May it shed light and brighten your path.

Bar advice. Being and feeling healthy makes for better people and relationships are more manageable. People do better when they feel better.