Showing posts with label red wine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label red wine. Show all posts

Monday, April 2, 2007

News about Booze

A new medical study has provided more good news about booze. There is an ingredient in red wine that apparently really does prolong life, at least, the life of mice.

How do we know? In a recent study, mice that were fed all kinds of artery clogging foods and fattened up were given huge doses of the elixir, while other mice were just fattened up. Despite being obese, the cardiovascular systems of the lucky mice on the regimen remained healthy. So healthy that the researchers, at no less than the Harvard Medical School, rushed to publish their findings even before the study was complete.

The work, which was done along with the National Institute on Aging, determined that heavy doses of the ingredient in red wine called resveratrol, lowers the rate of diabetes, liver problems and other fat related health problems. While it’s too soon to know if the same ingredient works in humans, some scientists were excited by the findings and even called them "spectacular."

But don’t reach for a second bottle of juice too fast. To get the amount of the ingredient that the mice were given, you would have to drink 100 bottles of red wine a day, an amount beyond the capacity of even the most delirious wine drinker.

Yet there is hope. The promising ingredient is available as a health supplement, and without a prescription.

Of course, the usual drawback applies. It’s not available at a dose that would really make much of a difference. For that salubrious event, you’ll need a prescription. Since we all know how promptly the govermental health agencies approves new therapies, we can expect that the first prescription will probably be written for one of our great grandchildren.

Bar advice. This is meant as a bit of a joke as well so please don't go drinking tons of red wine daily. It is, however, good to have a glass or two a day.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Overweight? You can still enhance your sex life.

You could try one of the many sexual enhancement drugs available today. You could sign up for very expensive workshops and retreats. You could even strip down and pole dance for your partner.

My guess is that these things just aren't your style. I believe that you're seeking natural and balanced healing for your sex drive and your overweight body.

You're tired, your energy is low and you aren't feeling quite like you think you should. Age is catching up as well. You don't have unrealistic expectations. You do have some dreams you've hung onto despite your physical size. You've clung to them, knowing that some day those dreams would take you to a place inside you where you were finally ready to take control.Once you embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, you can never plead ignorance again. You can never say "I didn't know".

Your sex drive does not need to take a complete dive while you're in the process of losing weight. That extra weight does not have to be like carrying heavy sacks of spuds around. It doesn't have to tire you out. Here are simple things you can do to help energize you and lighten the load..

You can make sure your daily food intake contains the highest possible raw content you can achieve up to about 80%. For now, to go much higher is a path you can move into. Keep the raw fruits and veggies separate and your energy level will steadily climb. Your body will respond to what you feed it. It has no choice, chemically speaking.

Step in place for ten minutes. Hardly a spit in the ocean of time in your day. Get up and do this for yourself. I promise you will love yourself for it. Walk around the house. Preferably outside and breathing with a full inhale/exhale. The more you move, the more you’ll be able to move both in your live and in your love life. You don’t want your partner to have to do all the work do you? Keep your eye on the prize. It’s your dream. You can make it happen!

Make the choice to work at your sex life. Most especially if you and your partner have been together a long time. Sometimes things just need sprucing up. If you feel too overweight to feel sexy, try splitting a bottle of pleasant red wine. Put on something nice and enhance the mood of your room. Work at it. Overweight, underweight or just perfect, people have to make the effort to keep the sexual tension alive.

Tend to your physical appearance. Sometimes in our daily lives, we forget to take a moment to add the little touches that we used to do daily. Trim those stray hairs or apply that bit of lipstick. Guys cut your nails.Small things can enhance your appearance and the way you walk, adding confidence to your style. When we take care of ourselves, we stand taller and feel better about ourselves.

Don’t let life get in the way of preserving the passion and fire you and your partner once had. Don’t let the pounds you’re in the process of losing, discourage you from feeling just as sexy as you did. You’ll get there again and when you do, you’ll still have your mate. The one you fell in love with. Don’t let anything get in the way. Schedule dates with your mate and make the effort.

Bar advice.We have all sorts of obstacles in life and each one can seem insurmountable at the time. Later, we can see each in perspective and sometimes even with humor. Don’t let tomorrow’s comic relief get you down today. Do something about your sex life and the drive will take care of itself.Also, if you think young, you'll be all the time. No matter what the mirror tells you.