Showing posts with label ebooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ebooks. Show all posts

Monday, February 12, 2007

Relationship troubles

Remember when you thought you met the mate of your dreams? You couldn't stop thinking about her/him. The sun shone more brightly. Love songs on the radio seemed like they were written just for the two of you. You loved doing things to please this person. You would sit around for hours talking about anything and laughing about the same things. Maybe at times it seemed like you knew exactly what they were thinking; you were totally in sync. Everything seemed to fit so perfectly.

But after a while the honeymoon stage seems to wear off. You might wake up one day and think, is this all there is? Have we grown apart or become different people? Maybe you have wondered if you're even in love anymore of if your mate still loves you. Maybe you have found that you have many conflicting ideas about the important things, like finances, child rearing, sex, careers and the list could go on and on.

We get so busy with our jobs, families, paying bills and all of the mundane activities of every day life. Maybe you find out the two of you were not as in sync as you might have thought. Over fifty percent of marriages end in divorce. What may have seemed like small potatoes when you first got together could have a way of becoming catastrophic and what seems to be unbearable later on.

Relationships can be very trying misunderstandings, hurt feelings, betrayal, and loneliness are things that should not be swept under the rug. It's so easy for people to say, you need to communicate with your mate. Who doesn't know that? The problem for many is, how? How do you mend all the broken fences? How do you express what's really going on inside of you? How do you get your mate to open up and share his or her feelings with you?

Bar advice.Before you throw in the towel, there are some things you should know. There are ways to learn to communicate and handle situations effectively. You may be amazed at the difference it can make in a relationship when issues are approached the right way. If you already have a great relationship, there are ways it can even be better! Remember there is a lot of ways of getting help. through books,ebooks, Internet,even doctors and counsellors. Just reading this blog may have help you already.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Women and emotions

Have you ever heard someone say that women are really emotional? Well, it's true. And actually, everyone is very emotional... whether we like to believe so or not. We make emotional decisions and then justify our behavior with logic. Let me share something with you.

Whenever I go out with a girl, guys always try to come up and hit on her. It'll go really badly for them and at some point she will tell them that I can help them get better success with women because I teach men how to meet and date women.

The next thing I know, the guys are trying to convince her that she shouldn't be with me and that they are much nicer guys that she should be with. Then, they ask me for dating tips which they then try to use on my her.

It's pretty funny. I get a good laugh from it every time. And, it only makes them look like idiots and make her want to be with me more.This is why no matter how much you beg, whine, try to convince or logically justify or rationalize to a woman why should she be with you, it won't ever change her mind. She won't ever say, "Hey, that really makes sense, I think I'm compatible with you!"

This isn't a cloning lab. You aren't in a debate. You can't say, "I have good breeding, a good job and high apparent intellect... I think we'd make good natural companions" and expect anything but her to look at you funny before she walks away creeped out.

It'll never work. Just like no matter how much someone tries to convince you that she's hot and sexy, if you don't have beer goggles on, she'll still be nothing more. So, STOP TRYING TO CONVINCE WOMEN TO BE ATTRACTED TO YOU!

So, how do you get a woman attracted to you if you can't do it by convincing her logically?

You do it through emotions. She has to feel emotionally drawn towards you. You have to do all the things that I've been talking about.Be a challenge, tease her, be unpredictable, be interesting. That's the only way you'll make a woman feel attracted to you.If you walk up and a woman isn't instantly attracted to you, you need to press her emotional buttons. You need to be different than every other guy out there who tries to convince her to be attracted to them.

Let's talk about a few of these things.

Be a Challenge and teasing

Hot women are used to men coming up to them, giving them anything they want and then agreeing with everything that a woman says. I've had girls crawling all over me just because I disagreed with what they said and had an argument with them.

Hot girls are so bored with their life of guys doing anything for them that they want something new, some type of substance in their lives. Give it to them. Tease them about their clothes or their jewelry. Don't be worried about offending them.I even found Brenda some what close to this.

Be Unpredictable

Women have the same things happen every single time they go out. Before a guy even walks up, she knows exactly what the guy is going to say.And you know what? I do too! It's probably going to be some compliment that she's heard seven times already tonight followed by buying her a drink that he's going to force her to accept whether she wants one from him or not.

After that he's either going to try to come on to her so hard that she basically has to call security over or he'll be so unbelievably nice to her that she'll have to come up with an excuse like, "I have to go to the bathroom" in order to get away from him without hurting his feelings.

Do something different. Be interesting, fun, exciting, challenging, engaging, cool and indifferent. Don't let her know that you're interested in her by pushing it and showing her that her looks don't impress you.

Be Interesting

Have you ever talked about your job, school, your car or your family? Stop it! I'm getting bored just thinking about it!Have something interesting to talk about at any time. Have a good story that you can tell if your conversation dies down.

Take her somewhere that always has interesting things going on where you can talk about relevant things in the area. I like to go to shopping malls with crazy shops in them and try on really silly trendy clothing that you only see people on runways in fashion shows wearing.

Bar advice.Read some books or ebooks on comedy and have fun wherever you go. Do anything you can to be different than most guys and have a good time. A woman would rather be with a poor, funny, interesting guy than a rich, handsome, predictable guy any day of the week. Win their Hearts, Not their Minds.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Meeting women in bars and on the street

So you want to know how to meet girls in areas with plenty of them. Here are the situations First: The bars and clubs where the music is so loud, where there are too many people with little or no space to move, and the girls are dancing with themselves,. The main idea is that it is very hard and almost pointless to start a conversation in these areas. How do I do it?

Second: How do I meet girls who are walking along the street maybe going somewhere. Like on their way to work or shopping or somewhere else. The point is how do people do this to with women. But here, its almost considered weird because you pop out of nowhere and she's not expecting it.

Finally, what do you do when a girl tells you she has a boyfriend? Should you leave her alone or continue your business of getting her? What if she is totally in love with her boyfriend, how do you win her over?

Okay, first, bars and clubs are very difficult venues. Unless you're specially suited to the party style nightlife, these venues will be a bit daunting and even if you are predisposed to this type of pick up, you will still have to deal with lots of competition from other men. That said, it's not impossible to meet women in nightclubs. But it will require you to be a little more outgoing and aggressive than other venues.Unless she's a working girl then there's no problem except the money as price.

Here's stuff that you can do. When you're in a club, you tend to like to hang out in open-air areas where you can talk to other people easier. Patios that are right outside the club can be good for this. Most clubs will have some form of outdoor area where you can hang out especially places like New York and Los Angeles and even Singapore (Starting in July 2007) where you're not allowed to smoke inside. The dance floor can also be quite effective. If you like to dance, go out there and try dancing with the women who are dancing by themselves. If they're not into it, move on. If they are then it's play time! Also, keep in mind the time at which you're going to the club. Usually, the later it gets, the easier it is to pick up a girl (this is because as it gets later, people are more predisposed to "hook up" due to alcohol, desperation, boredom, etc.) so think about that.

Second, to approach women on the street takes a bit of finesse. People do tend to be a bit more private than in many parts of the world. My best advice in this respect is to actually follow the girl for a bit and see where she's going. If she stops off at a coffee shop or a bus stop, or whatever, that is the time to approach her! If it looks like she's going someplace you can't follow her into (like her home or office for instance) then you'll have to take the chance and try approaching her cold. But make it a quick approach and include a time constraint ("I know you're on your way somewhere, this will only take a second..."), get her number as quick as you can, then move on.

Finally, when it comes to the "boyfriend" thing, that's a matter of personal taste. Some guys don't want to mess with that, others don't care. The thing is, most women aren't that committed to their boyfriends, so it's not as big of an obstacle as you might think.The important thing to do in this situation is to try and "read" the woman. Sometimes, a girl will tell you she has a boyfriend when she really doesn't because she wants to politely reject you (and sometimes she really does have a boyfriend and wants to stay faithful to him). If this is the case, you have to look at the signals she's giving you to see if she's actually into you or not. If a woman does like you and is in fact into you, she will usually withhold the fact that she has a boyfriend. And if she does bring it up, she wants you to take the lead and "sweep her off her feet" so she won't have to feel guilty about cheating on him. So when that's the case, it's time to pump up the aggressiveness on your pick up.

Bar advice. If you learn how to read a woman properly then you'll get somewhere. Don't fear rejection to the point that you'll become the oldest bachelor among your friends. If you need help then I suggest you get some help from books or ebooks on the subject